Often when we start the application, we find that the ports needed by the system are occupied by other programs. How to know who has the port we need is a headache for many people. Here is a very simple method, I hope it will be useful to everyone.
If we need to determine who is occupying our port 80.
1, Windows platform
Execute in a windows command line window:
c:\ & gt; netstat -aon|findstr "80 "
TCP127.0.01:800.0.0: 0 Monitoring 2448
Look, the port is occupied by the process with process number 2448. Continue with the following command:
c:\ & gt; Task list |findstr "2448 "
Thread.exe 2016 console 0 16064K
Very clear, isn't it? Thread is occupying your port, kill it.
If the second step cannot be found, open the task manager to see which process is 2448, and then kill it.
If you need to see other ports. Just change it to 80.
Supplement: The original reason for this error (httpd.exe: the fully qualified domain name of the server cannot be reliably determined, and servername uses192.168.1.11) is that the DNS configuration is incorrect. If you don't want to configure DNS, just add ServerName localhost:80 to httpd.conf