Baoyu saw that he had tidied up the outer study, so he promised to read night books with Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong is the weakest. Because I was exposed to some wind and frost in the suburbs and had an affair with a wise man, I recovered. When he returned, he coughed and caught a cold. He is too lazy to eat and drink, afraid to go out, and can only rest at home. Baoyu swept away the excitement and had to pay for it.
Xi-feng has got Guang Yun's reply, and everything is in chaos. Old Nida knew about the Zhang family, and sure enough, the defenders were hired by the Zhang family. Who knows that Zhang's parents are so greedy for power and money, but they have raised a daughter who knows justice and knowledge. When they heard that their parents retired their ex-husband, he quietly hanged himself with hemp rope. The son of the garrison heard that Brother Jin hanged himself and was also a man. It's really empty for people and empty for money. Xifeng enjoyed 3.2 thousand here, and Mrs. Wang and others didn't even know any news. From then on, Xifeng became more and more courageous. If this happens again in the future, she will act arbitrarily. There is no need to remember more.
One day it was Jia Zheng's birthday, and people in Rong Ning gathered to celebrate. The weather is very hot. Suddenly, a porter came in and played on the table: "Master Xia, the eunuch of the Sixth Palace, has come to deliver the imperial edict." Frightened Xie Jia Jia Zheng and others don't know what the news is. They all stopped playing, withdrew their seats, set the incense table and knelt in the middle door. I saw Xia Shouzhong, the eunuch of the Sixth Palace, arrive on horseback. Smiling with joy, they went to the hall and stood on the south side, saying, "Special message: immediately call Jia Zheng to court and meet at Lin Jing Temple." After that, they rode off. Jia She and others don't know what this omen is. They had to change their clothes and hurried into the court.
Jia Mu and other family members are very anxious, and people are constantly flying horses to deliver letters. Two hours later, I suddenly saw three or four housekeepers, such as Lai Da, panting and running into the instrument door to report the good news, saying, "On the orders of your master, please ask the old lady to take the lady and others to the court to thank you." At that time, the old lady was distracted and stood on the porch of the lobby with Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, You Shi, Li Wan, Xi Feng and Ying. Grandmother Jia ordered Lai Da to ask the wise men. Lai Da said, "The younger one only works outside Lin Jing's gate and doesn't know the inside story. Later, eunuch Xia came out to congratulate us, saying that our eldest lady was promoted to minister of Fengzao Palace and virtuous princess. Later, the master came out and said the same thing to the little one. Now that the master has gone to the East Palace, please ask the old lady to lead the ladies to thank them quickly. " Jia Mu and others are relieved. Inevitably, they are all beaming. So they all dressed up according to the products. Grandmother Jia led Lady Xing, Lady Wang and Madam You into the DPRK in a big sedan chair. Jia She and Jia Zhen also changed their clothes, took Jia Rong and Jia Qiang, got into the big sedan chair and waited on the old lady. So, Rong Ning walked around two places, and all the people were very happy and enthusiastic, with smiles on their faces.
Who knows that recently, Zhisi of Shuiyue Temple fled to the city and went to Qin Zhong's house to see Qin Zhong. I didn't expect to be noticed by Qin Ye, who expelled the wise man and beat Qin Zhong. He was so angry with his old illness that he died in three or five days. Qin Zhong is timid and still ill. Now I see my father's grief, and now I regret my pain, which adds many symptoms. So, Baoyu. How to go home, how to celebrate with relatives and friends, how lively Rong Ning and other places have been in recent days, and how proud people are. He is the only one who treats them as nothing, and he never cares. Therefore, people laughed at him for becoming more and more stupid. He is glad that Jia Lian and Dai Yu will come back, and the advance messenger will report that he will go home tomorrow. Baoyu was relieved by the plan. After careful inquiry, he knew that Jia Yucun had visited him in Beijing, and Wang Ziteng paid for it, which made up for the shortage of Beijing. Therefore, I am going the same way. Lin Ruhai has been buried in the ancestral grave, and everything has stopped. Jia Lian should have gone to Beijing. He should go home this month, because he heard Yuan Chun's happy letter. He traveled day and night and had a safe journey. Baoyu only asked Daiyu a word of "harmony" and ignored the rest.
It's easy to wait until tomorrow afternoon, and the result is: "Master Lian and Miss Lin have entered the house." When they met, they were sad and happy, but they cried for a while, and then they said congratulations. Baoyu is getting more and more detached. Daiyu brought many books, cleaned the bedroom, installed utensils, and distributed some papers and pens to Baochai, Yingchun, Baoyu and others. Baoyu also gave them to King Jing. I don't want him. "I threw it away and didn't take it. Baoyu had to take it back, not to mention it for the time being. "
Let's talk about Jia Lian's going back to his room after he went home to meet everyone. When Xifeng was busy recently, she didn't have a moment to spare. Jia Lian came back from a long distance and had to take time to receive him. There was no stranger in the room. He smiled and said, "Uncle is so happy!" My great-uncle had a very hard journey. I heard in yesterday's newspaper that he drove home today and prepared a glass of wine to dust himself. I wonder if he will turn on the light for me? Jia Lian said with a smile, "How dare you take on more responsibilities?" ? Pinger and all the maids bowed to Ann and brought tea. "。 Jia Lian asked about other families and thanked Xi Feng for her hard work. "Where can I deal with these things? "I'm shallow, quarrel stupid, outspoken. When someone gives me a stick, I think it's a needle. My face is soft, I can't put down a few good words, and I feel merciful. Besides, I haven't experienced anything important, and my wife is a little uncomfortable, which scares me to sleep. I have resigned several times, but my wife is duty-bound. On the contrary, I said I wanted benefits and refused. They joke at the slightest mistake and complain at the slightest eccentricity. Sit and watch the tigers fight, kill with one sword, blow with the wind and fire, stand on the dry shore and knock over the oil bottle without helping. Besides, I'm young, I can't wait, and I still have to pay attention to my resentment. What is even more ridiculous is that Rong Er's daughter-in-law died suddenly in that house. My wife refused to obey, so she had to do it. I still did a horse flip, which was even more indecent. Brother Zhen still complains and regrets. When you come tomorrow, at least add that I am young and have never seen the world. " Just then, I heard someone outside. "Who is it?" Xi-feng asked. Pinger came in and replied, "My aunt asked Xiangling's sister to ask me a question. I already told her to send her back." Jia Lian said with a smile, "I had my period just now, but I ran into a young kannika nimtragol, so neat." I am surprised that there is no such person in our family. When I was talking, I asked about my menstruation, but she was the little girl named Xiangling who came to Beijing to buy it. After visiting Suzhou and Hangzhou, it's time to see the world. You are still so greedy. If you want to love him, it's nothing. How about I call Pinger for him? That boss Xue is also' eating a bowl and watching the pot'. This year, he fought many famines to prevent Xiangling from getting menstruation. It is also because it is better to watch Xiangling during menstruation, but he is different from other girls, gentle and quiet, and almost all master's girls can't keep up with him. So he took pains to entertain him with wine, and he became a concubine in the hall. After half a month.
At this point, Xifeng asked Pinger, "What happened to your period just now? Baba sent Xiangling? " Pinger said with a smile, "I borrowed Xiangling from him to lie for a while. Grandma said that Wang Ersao didn't even have a future. " As she spoke, she went to Xi-feng's side and whispered, "Grandma's money was not delivered late, but not delivered early. Now that Mr. Zhong is at home, I sent this. Fortunately, I met her in the hall, otherwise I would walk back and forth with her. " Many tell Sir Zhong truthfully. We still have to find out the temper of Master Zhong and the money in the frying pan. I heard that grandma has this ladder, and he is not at ease with flowers. So I hurried to pick it up and let me say something about him. I didn't expect grandma to hear the question, so I lied and said Xiangling was here. "I said to Feng with a smile, menstruation knows that you are here, and suddenly Rabbah rebelled. So you're a ghost. "
Jia Lian came in, Feng ordered wine, and the husband and wife sat opposite each other. Although Xi-feng was good at drinking, she didn't dare to be happy. She only stayed with Jia Lian. At this moment, Zhao DOG, Jia Lian's wet nurse, came and asked her to eat wine so that she could get on the kang. Zhao DOG refused. Pinger waited for the next step in front of the edge of the kang. There was a small pedal on which Zhao DOG sat. He added, "Mom, try the Hui Quan wine brought by your son." Zhao DOG said, "I'm drinking. Grandma has a cup. What are you afraid of? Just don't overdo it. I'm not here to drink at the moment, but I do have a serious matter. Grandma should keep it in mind and take care of me. Our grandfather had just agreed to forget us when he arrived. Fortunately, I have taken care of you since I was a child. I am getting old, too. You can take care of those two sons with the other eye, and others dare not grin. " So it's serious for grandma. I'm afraid of starving to death by our grandfather. "
Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I will take good care of these two nursing brothers. What else do you know about the baby's nursing son? Take the meat and pour it on an unrelated stranger. But now there is a milk brother, who is better than others? You take care of them, who dares to say' no'? It's no use taking advantage of outsiders. -I was wrong too. We look at outsiders, you look at my wife. " Everyone in the room laughed. Zhao DOG couldn't help laughing and said, "But the sky came out of the room. If we say these bastards are' my wife' and' outsiders', our grandfather doesn't. Zhao DOG smiled and said, "Grandma is very satisfied with what she said, so I am very happy. I want another glass of good wine. Since then, my grandmother has been in charge, and I have no worries. "
Jia Lian didn't have the guts at this time. He just ate the wine with a smile and said "nonsense"-"Come, have a bowl and discuss things with Uncle Zhen." Feng Dao: "But don't miss the business. What did the master just ask you to do? " Jia Lian said, "It's only for the sake of mothering." Feng asked quickly, "Is it okay to visit relatives?" Jia Lian smiled and said, "Although it is not very accurate, it is quite accurate." Feng said with a smile: "It can be seen that Long En has always listened to books and watched plays, which was not available in ancient times." Zhao DOG added, "But I'm crazy, too. I have heard a lot of noise from top to bottom these days, and I don't care about mothering. Now I want to talk about motherhood. What is the reason? Jia Lian said, "There is nothing better than filial piety. I think the essence of parents and children is the same, not the distinction between high and low. Now you can't have a little filial piety, because when you see that the concubines and others in the palace have been in the palace for many years, you won't think about it. "Thinking about parents in children is a branch. If you miss your parents at home, if you just miss your daughter, you won't see them. If you get sick or even die, you will be imprisoned by me, and you will not be able to fulfill your family's wishes, and it will be unnatural. So every February and June, the Emperor Tai and the Empress Dowager will enter the palace. Please wait and see. So today's Emperor Tai and Empress Dowager are overjoyed and deeply appreciated. It is said that Jiao Fang's family entered the palace, but the mother and daughter were not satisfied with the national etiquette system. In fact, it is very convenient to open the door and send a message to all the nobles in Jiao Fang. Except for the grace who entered the palace on February 26th, anyone who has a room in another hospital can stay in the defense. Might as well invite the imperial palace to have an affair, and have a flesh-and-blood affair, which is best at home. The purpose of this is that since Zhou Guiren's father has been working at home, he is establishing a mothering clause. Wu Guifei's father, Wu Tian's family, also went to play outside the city. Isn't that eight or nine points? "
Zhao DOG said, "Amitabha! I see. So, our family is going to pick up our eldest lady, too? " Jia Lian said, "Don't say it! What else are you busy with at the moment? " Feng said with a smile, "If so, I can see the world. I hate being a few years younger. If I had been born twenty or thirty years earlier, these old people would not be so thin now. Speaking of the story of Emperor Mao's imitation of Shunyou, it is more vivid than a book. " Zhao DOG said, "Well, that's a once-in-a-lifetime thing! At that time, I remembered that our Jia family supervised the construction and repair of seawalls in Yangzhou, Suzhou, and only prepared to take a ride and spent all their money in the sea! Speaking of this ... "Xi-feng quickly replied," We also prepared one in Wang Fu. At that time, my grandfather was responsible for the tribute and congratulations of all countries, and all foreigners belonged to our family. The foreign ships in Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan and Zhejiang all belong to our family. "
Zhao DOG said, "Who doesn't know? Now there is a slogan saying,' The East China Sea is short of white jade beds, and the Dragon King came to invite the king of Jiangnan', which means grandma's house. And now the Zhen Shi family is in Jiangnan, alas, not bad! We won't tell anyone who doesn't believe it unless we saw it with our own eyes. Don't say that money has become dirt, because there is nothing in the world that doesn't pile up like a mountain and block the sea. The word' guilty pity' has never been taken care of. " Feng said, "We often hear too many men say the same thing. Why don't we believe it?" Zhao DOG said, "A word to grandma is nothing more than taking money from the emperor's family and spending it on the emperor!" Who has the money to buy such vanity? Just then, Mrs. Wang sent someone to see if Xifeng had eaten. "。 Xi- feng knew that she had something waiting for him. Just after eating half a bowl of rice, I rinsed my mouth and was about to leave when the pages in the second door came back and said, "There are two pages in the East House, Rong and Qiang. Jia Lian just washed his mouth, and Pinger took the basin to wash his hands. "。 When she saw them coming, she asked, "What's the matter? Let's go "Stop and listen to them," said Xi-feng. "。 Jia Rongxian said, "My father sent me back and forth. Uncle: The lords have agreed to start from the east and turn north through the garden in Dongfuli. Accurate measurement, three and a half miles, you can build a mothering clause. You have been handed over to draw pictures and will go home tomorrow. Uncle will go home. If you have anything to say, please come and discuss it early tomorrow morning. Jia Lian smiled and said, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I won't go there." . It's really this idea that saves trouble and is easy to build. It's even more troublesome and rude to take it elsewhere. Go back and say yes. If gentlemen want to change it again, it's up to the uncle to dissuade them and never look for another place. I will visit my uncle tomorrow morning.
Jia Qiang approached again and said, "I went to Suzhou to hire teachers, buy girls and run a musical instrument store. My uncle sent a nephew to take care of my two sons, Shan Yiren and the diners, Bo Guxiu, so he called me to see my uncle." Jia Lian apologized to Jia Qiang and said with a smile, "Can you do this job? Although it's no big deal, there is a lot to hide. " Jia Qiang smiled and said, "We just need to learn."
Jia Rong quietly pulled Xi Feng's skirt under the light shadow beside him. Feng Ming understood, smiled and said, "You worry too much. Don't you know how to hire people better than us? You are afraid that he won't work. Who is good at this? Children have grown so big that they have never eaten pork and seen pigs run. Uncle sent him there, but he just sat on the flag. Don't seriously talk to him about the price, go to the broker! Personally, it's okay. " Jia Lian said, "Naturally. I didn't refuse, so I had to forget it for him. " Because I asked, "Where did this piece of silver move?" "Jia Qiang said," this discussion is over. Grandpa Lai said we don't need to bring it from Beijing. The Zhen family in Jiangnan still receives our 50 thousand silver. We will write a letter tomorrow and take it away. We'll pay 30 thousand first and save the remaining 20 thousand. When we buy candle lights and curtains, we will pay for them. Jia Lian nodded and said, "That's a good idea. "。"
Xifeng said to Jia Qiang, "In that case, I have two people who are good at it, so you can take them to do it. It's cheaper for you. " Jia Qiang said with a smile, "I'm going to ask menstruation for two people. What a coincidence." Asked her name, Xi-feng asked Zhao DOG. At that time, Zhao DOG was stunned. Pinger smiled and gave him a push before he woke up and said, "One." I can do my job, "she said, and went out. Jia Rong hurried out and whispered to Xi-feng, "My aunt asked me to make an account and give it to Brother Qiang, asking him to buy it according to the account." Phoenix smiled and said, "Don't fart your mother! I have no place to put my things. I hope you are sneaking around? " Said all the way.
Here Jia Qiang also quietly asked Jia Lian, "What do you want? By the way, I am knitting a sweater to show my filial piety. " Jia Lian smiled and said, "Don't get excited. You just learned to do things, but you learned this trick first. I'll write and tell you what I missed, so let's not talk about it here. " After that, I sent them away After that, the person in charge came more than three or four times, and Jia Lian was tired, so he spread it to the second gate. All these should be reported before cooking tomorrow. Feng.
The next day, Jia Lian got up early, met Jia She and Jia Zheng, went to Ningfu to contract the old steward, made friends with the public, visited the two places, repaired and painted the temples of mothering, and handled the people at the same time. Since then, craftsmen from all walks of life have gathered together to carry and transfer things like gold, silver, copper, tin and civil bricks and tiles without stopping. Schilling craftsmen demolished the pavilion on the wall of Ningfu Club and directly entered the East Courtyard of Fu Rong. Although there is an alley that is impassable, it is also private land, not an official road, so it can be accessed. Fang Hui Garden originally attracted a stream of water from the North Point wall, but it is not annoying to introduce it again today. Although its rocks and trees are not enough, Jia She lives in the old Fu Rong Garden, where bamboo forests, rocks, pavilions, railings and other things can be moved. So the two places are very close, so a lot of money is saved, and they are vertical.
Jia Zheng was not used to worldly affairs, and only relied on Jia She, Jia Zhen, Jia Lian, Lai Da, Lai Sheng, Wu, Zhan Guang, Cheng Rixing and others to be at the mercy of others. There, mountains are piled up, ponds are dug, buildings are built, bamboos are planted, and there is a mountain leaf purple system. The next dynasty will be free, but I will visit everywhere. The most important thing is to discuss with Jia She and others. Lai Da and others are in charge. Jia Rong is responsible for making gold and silver utensils. Jia Qiang has got up and gone to Gusu. Jia Zhen, Lai Da and others ordered more people, opened books and supervised the work. But they can't write anything but it's noisy. There is nothing to say for the time being.
Besides Baoyu's recent family affairs, Jia Zheng didn't ask him about the book. Originally, it was a happy thing in his heart, but Qin Zhong's illness was getting worse every day. He was really worried and couldn't enjoy his work. He just got up this morning and wanted to go back to the grandmother's house and wait for Qin Zhong. Suddenly he saw Yan Ming huddled in front of the second door. Baoyu came out and asked him, "What's the matter?" Yan Ming said: "Qin Xianggong is useless!" Baoyu was shocked and asked, "I saw him only yesterday, and I still understand him very well." Why is it useless? " Yan Ming said, "I don't know, but his old man came to tell me." Baoyu turned to tell the old lady. The old lady told him, "Just send the right person to follow him. He will come back after doing something good to his classmates there, and it won't be too long. Baoyu was busy changing clothes, and before the car was ready, he rushed to the hall. "。 Once urged the car.
By this time, Qin Zhong had fainted two or three times, and it had been a long time since he moved to bed. Baoyu lost his voice when he saw it. Li Gui quickly urged, "No, Qin Xianggong is weak, so the bones on the kang are useless. Let's move them away for the time being. Won't it aggravate his condition? " Hearing this, Baoyu restrained himself from going near, only to see Qin Zhong's face as white wax, his eyes closed and he gasped on the pillow. Baoyu quickly called, "Brother Whale! Baoyu is coming. " Qin Zhong made two or three phone calls and ignored him. "Baoyu is here."
Qin Zhong's soul has already left his body, leaving only a lingering breath in his chest. He just saw many ghosts trying to arrest him with a permit. Qin Zhong's soul refused to go there, remembering that no one was in charge of housework at home, remembering that his father still had three or four thousand taels of silver to pay back, and remembering that his intelligence had not declined, he begged the ghost for a verdict in every way. Unfortunately, these ghosts refused to be selfish. Instead, they blamed Qin Zhong and said, "What a loss! Who dares to leave people on the fifth watch? We are all selfless in the underworld, and there are many obstacles, unlike you in the underworld.' At this moment, Qin Zhong's soul suddenly heard the word "Baoyu is coming", so he begged, "You poor god, have some mercy and let me come back with this good friend." "Qin Zhong said," To tell you the truth, he is the grandson of Rong Guogong, nicknamed Baoyu. "When the judges heard this, they panicked from the beginning and shouted at Ghost:" I said you should let him go back for a walk. You'll never listen to me, and now you have to wait for him to hire a rich man. "The ghosts are busy complaining: As the saying goes,' the official of the world is in charge of the affairs of the world', but since ancient times, the way of people and ghosts is normal, and there is no difference between yin and yang. Never mind whether he is yin or yang, there is nothing wrong with putting him back. When the ghosts heard that they wanted to put Qin's soul back, they all snorted and opened their eyes slightly. When they saw Baoyu beside them, they reluctantly sighed, "Why didn't you come early? I can't see you again. " Baoyu folded his hands with tears in his eyes and said, "Leave a few words." Qin Zhong said, "Nothing else. Before, you and I both thought we were better than the world, but today I realize I was wrong. In the future, I should long for fame and glory. " Afterwards, I sighed and died. Almost died.