Hou Wen said: "Is the teacher of the public and the son evil?" Zi Fang said, "No, human nature has no choice. There is no choice but to praise. "
Hou Wen said, "Does a son have no evil teacher?" Zifang said, "Yes." He said, "Who is my son's evil teacher?" Zi Fang said, "Dongguo Shunzi."
Hou Wen said, "But why didn't the master call?" Zi Fang said, "He is really human. People's appearance is empty, fate is real and things are clear.
If there is no way, let it be understood, and the meaning of people will disappear. There's nothing to cry about! "Zi Fang went out, and Hou Wen ran away all day without saying anything.
Before summoning, Li Chen said, "A gentleman is virtuous if he is far away! At first, I acted with holy knowledge and words of righteousness. I heard teacher Zifang's words, but I didn't want to move, and my mouth was clamped and I didn't speak.
I am a scholar, Zhituling Er! Fu Wei is really tired for me! "By yukiko shu qi, gave up. Lu invited the audience, and Wen Boxue said, "No way.
It is said that China's gentleman knows propriety and righteousness, but he is not good at knowing people's hearts. I don't want to see it. "
As for Qi, I am willing to give up Lu, so even if you are human, I want to meet you. Wen Bo-xue said, "Seeing me in the past and seeing me now will definitely boost you."
Go out to see the guests, sigh at the door. See the guests tomorrow, and then sigh.
His servant said, "Every guest you meet will come in and sigh. Why? " He said, "I have told my son that the people of China know the etiquette, but they know the people's heart. Those who saw my past, advance and retreat freely, ten minutes, calmly like a dragon, like a tiger.
I am also like a child in his advice and a father in his way, so I sigh. "Zhong Ni saw the word.
Luz said, "My son has been wanting to meet Wenbo Zi Xue for a long time. What's wrong with seeing it and not saying it? " Zhong Ni said, "If you, madam, witnessed it, you can't keep silent!" " Yan Yuan asked Zhong Ni: "Master is chasing, master is chasing, master is chasing, master is fleeing, but he is lagging behind!" Confucius said, "Hui, what is evil?" He said: "The master is also moving forward, and the master is also talking; Masters follow suit, and masters also argue; The teacher is stupid, the teacher says, and the back says; If the fugitive dust belongs to the latter, the master will keep his word and not compare with Zhou, and the people will have no tools to go to the front. I don't know why. "
Zhong Ni said, "Ah! Don't pay attention The sorrow of a husband is greater than the death of a heart, followed by the death of a person. When the sun rises in the east and enters the west pole, everything is like this. Those who have eyes and toes are waiting for success.
Go out and live, go in and die. Everything is the same, waiting for death, waiting for life.
Once it forms me, I won't wait for it. Effective things move, day and night, I don't know where it will end.
With its formation, I know that life can't follow its example. Qiu Yi is a day.
I miss you all my life, but don't mourn? Women are in danger, so am I. He has done his best, but this woman wants it because she wants a horse from Downs.
I took it, but the woman forgot; Women's wear, I forgot, too. Although, female xi suffers from how! Although I have forgotten my past, I have people who don't forget. "
When Confucius saw Lao Dan and Lao Dan, he would be sent to dry, and he would be like a non-human. Confucius waited.
He said, "How can you dazzle the mountains? What is its credibility? Mr. Xiang's body is like a log, leaving people like a relic and standing alone. " Lao Dan said, "I am at the beginning of things."
Confucius said, "What is evil?" He said: "I don't know when I'm sleepy, and I can't speak when I talk." Give you a taste, and you will discuss: from Yin Susu to Yang Hehe.
Su Su is beyond the sky, and it is brilliant. The traffic between the two is harmonious and vivid, or the shape is not seen for discipline.
The news is all false, one is dull and the other is bright, and the sun and the moon have a new look. Every day, everything is not successful. Life is budding, death is regression, always opposite for no reason, but Zhihu is pitiful.
This is wrong, that's the truth! Confucius said, "Excuse me, what is swimming?" Lao Dan said: "The husband is the most beautiful and happiest.
Swimming is the most beautiful and enjoyable, and it is called the most human. Confucius said, "I would like to hear about it."
Yue: "Herbivorous beasts are easy to get sick; Aquatic insects swims easily without getting sick. Doing small things is not a big deal, and emotions are not in the chest.
What lives in the world is also the place where all things live. If you are in the same place, 400 people will turn into dirt, and you will die day and night, but you can't slip away. The situation is between sadness and joy! Abandon the mud and don't dye it, and you will know that your body is more expensive than an official.
I count. I don't lose change. Countless things have not started, which is painful enough for the husband! I have solved this problem for Tao. "
Confucius said, "Confucius' virtue is in harmony with heaven and earth, but it is still vain to cultivate the mind with words." "The ancient gentleman can't escape!" Lao Dan said, "Otherwise.
Water is in the hole, and it is natural to do nothing; It is also right for people, and things cannot be separated without repair. If the sky is high, the earth is thick, and the sun and the moon are self-evident, what more can a husband ask for! Confucius went out and told Yan Hui, "The mountain is to the Tao, but to the chicken! I have replied to the micro-master, and I don't know the complete works of heaven and earth. "
When Zhuangzi saw Lu Aigong, he mourned the public and said, "There are many Confucian scholars in Lu Dao, but few gentlemen." Zhuangzi said, "Lu Shaoru."
Ai Gong said, "What does it mean to praise Lu and serve Confucianism?" Zhuangzi said, "Zhi: Confucians know the weather with their crowns, those who follow the sentences know the terrain, and those who appreciate things with their slowness end up with it. A gentleman has his own way and may not be convinced by it; Those who serve him may not know his way.
If Gong Gu didn't think so, why didn't he call in middle school and say,' People who don't serve like this will die!' "So the fifth day of mourning, lu dare not Confucianism. The husband is the only one, and Confucianism stands in the public door.
The public is called to ask about state affairs and is never poor. Zhuangzi said, "How many Confucian scholars listen to Lu with one ear?" Lord Priestley didn't care, so he made the cow fat, which made Qin Mugong forget his meanness and took politics with him.
You Yu's death is not in his heart, so it is enough to move. Song Hui draws pictures, and all the history comes. He can bow, lick the pen and ink, and half of them are outside.
However, those who follow history are unwilling to move forward, and they are unwilling to stand up because of history. The minister took off his clothes when he saw it.
Jun said, "Yes, it's a real painter." Guan Zang saw a husband fishing, but he didn't catch it.
Some fishermen don't catch their own fish, but often fish. King Wen wanted to give the court a lift, but he was afraid of the safety of the minister's father and brother. I finally want to release, but I can't stand the lawlessness of the people.
So Dr. Zhu Dan said, "Once upon a time, I dreamed of a lover with a black beard, riding a barge horse and leaning on Zhu's hoof, howling,' Politics is in Zang Zhang's hands, which is almost vulgar.
2. Seeking the poetic content of satirical villains: blindly following the trend without real evidence, pointing to people's backs and pointing to their heads as white as silver,
On the scale, there is no half point.
Keep your eyes on your ass,
Only clothes, no one! doggerel
Villains in an upright man is open and poised are often sad.
Dancing with the east wind
Little people sing.
Song Shaoyong
Little people have no knot, abandon their roots and chase after them.
I like thinking about it, and I think about it in anger.
Little people sing.
Song Shaoyong
I'm shameless. I value profit over death.
Don't be afraid of others and don't care about things.
Tang mengjiao
The casting mirror must be bronze, so it can be polished and polished. It's hard for a villain to tolerate being friends with a villain in the distance.
Cast a mirror, learn from it and make friends with it. Not every copper can illuminate. Many little people are right and wrong.
Twenty spring posts and six emperors.
Song Ouyang xiu
Yang advances to be a gentleman, while Yin retreats to be a villain.
Sages rule the south, and politics and law are in the spring.
One hundred and seventy-five times
Tian Xiang, Wen Song
The villain is sleepy and eager for the rest of his life.
The world is solid, why should I follow you?
Look at the white paper in winter, love the poor and love the strong, and care about people when they are sick.
Song luyou
The disaster in the Han Dynasty began with consorts and the chaos in the temples in the Tang Dynasty.
The villain's plan is personal, and he mentioned other things quite repeatedly.
The public or the public is in a state of panic, and the river closure is in danger.
Is there no one outside the grass, holding the ambition of the world?
Drink properly
Tang mengjiao
Wine is an ancient mirror, which takes away the hearts of small people. See strange behavior when you are drunk, and smell strange sounds when you are drunk.
So much wine work, wine is also a deep waste. Sinners are free from sin, so they can become proverbs.
Gentleman's method, good luck.
Tang hanyu
A gentleman's wealth is known before four o'clock. The villain only meets, and the cold and summer are not expected.
The potential of interests is constant, and there is no fixed attitude to weigh the trade-offs. How can I keep my heart away from doubt?
One hundred quatrains in The Analects of Confucius
Zhang Song Jiucheng
The gentleman goes to the villain, and the villain returns to life like grass.
However, you don't have to work hard at domestication.
Song Shaoyong
Gentleman and righteousness, villain and benefit.
Prosperity is benevolence, while waste is benefit.
A gentleman has virtue, and a villain has virtue.
Suntech Shu En, Li Shang made enemies.
A gentleman is a blessing, a villain is a bully.
Be a Wisdom Fofo Agbo, be a threat.
A gentleman likes good, but a villain likes evil.
Love and hate, love and return.
A gentleman has a good reputation, but a villain is easy to destroy.
It destroys people's anger and makes them happy.
A gentleman is proud, a villain is evil.
Thinking about Ji, thinking about bad is strange.
A gentleman likes peace, but a villain likes seeking.
I am happy and happy, and I am anxious and worried.
A gentleman makes a living, a villain makes money.
Good deeds lead to good deeds, and good killings lead to death.
3. What poems are there about "mocking and satirizing eunuchs"? 1.Xi Shi Yong
Since beauty is respected throughout the empire, how can Shi stay at home humbly? .
Washing clothes by the lake in the south at dawn, and there was a great lady in the palace in the north that night.
One day humble, no different from others, the next day promoted, everyone praised her. ..
Invite Fu Xiangfen, or arrange a silk robe on her shoulder. ..
The more the king loved her, the cuter she became, which made him lose his wisdom. ..
The girls who washed silk beside her were left at a distance from her chariot. ..
None of the girls in her neighborhood can imitate her beauty.
2. Ten Slogans Send Pan Shuai to Hunan.
Song zengfeng
Eunuch's eyes are not low, and he loves the country to set up checkpoints.
Don't be known when you get the badge and the box.
3. Preface to the History of Five Dynasties Eunuchs
Song Ouyang xiu
Since ancient times, the root of the country with chaotic officials is deeper than the female disaster. Women, sex, and officials all come to an end.
Cover its use, but also close to learning, but also for the concentration and patience of the heart. We can help people with a little kindness and strengthen people's hearts with a little faith, so that people will believe and kiss. When it believes, hold it again and be afraid of being bad. Although there is a loyal minister listed in the court, the master thinks that he is alienated from himself and can rely on his relatives without food and shelter. Therefore, the left and right people are getting closer, the loyal subjects and masters are getting sparse, and people tend to be increasingly lonely. If you are lonely, you will be more and more afraid of disasters, and those who hold disasters will feel more and more secure. Safety shows its joys and sorrows, and disasters are hidden in the dark and can be relied on, so it is difficult. I feel that I am suffering from it and want to be close to the alienated minister. If I am slow, I will raise my troubles and benefit from them. If I am in a hurry, I will take others as my quality. Although wise, you can't work with it. If you do one thing, you can't do it. You can't do it if you do it. If you do, you will lose both sides. So the greatest of them died, and the second one died, which forced the traitors to take advantage of it, recognize their types, and kill them to make everyone happy. The disasters of officials recorded in previous history are often like this, and they are not the same.
The husband is the master, but he doesn't want to make trouble at home. Instead, he is loyal to the minister and master at home and covers up his accumulation. It is logical. The confusion of women and men is unfortunate but not enlightened, but a disaster. Make it come true, but it is also possible to leave. Although the official wanted to repent of his evil deeds, he had no choice but to let it go. Tang Zhaozong's affair is over. Therefore, it is said that "it is deeper than the female disaster." Do not quit?
4. Taboo debate (excerpt)
Tang hanyu
But eunuchs and concubines dare not say that it is illegal. What should a gentleman do when he speaks? Today's exam is classic, quality is law and national code. Congratulations to Jinshi. Is it evil? Do evil?
5. Sun Quan answered Cao Caoshu (excerpt)
Song sushi
Since Huan and Ling, the Han Dynasty lost its way politically, and the eunuch rebellion stopped. Dong Zhuo's disaster reappeared, and Yuan and Liu did not punish him. The world depends on it, only the powerful and powerful and Liu Bei have three ears. Compared with Wen Zhuo, the son of heaven is a whale. Anyway, the liegeman should sweep away the remnants, reward the royal family, help the son of heaven, retreat to the country with the spirit of the ancestral temple, and not lose the Spring and Autumn Hajj Festival. However, the first step is to bully the orphan, bully the son of heaven, create the world, cite the calendar in vain, and make a fortune. I used to laugh at Wang Mang's stupidity, but now I secretly sigh that the first step is to jump.
6. "Fu Fu's four-character poems. Li Xian, assistant minister of Shangshumen, does not.
Tang huangfuche
At that time, I will meet wise saints and lead Jining's country. Do your best, do your best.
It is shameful to be a saint, but it is wrong to be an upright person. When the eunuch sat down, the rape power moved.
Every time I am surprised, there is no sadness. Obviously charter, practice in the afterlife.
4. Ironic ancient poem Tang Du Mu's "Crossing the Qing Palace" Chang 'an looks back and embroiders in piles, and the top of the mountain opens a thousand times.
As soon as I rode on the smile of smoke and smoke, no one knew that the fresh fruit litchi was sent from the south. An official rode a post horse, flying like lightning, raising clouds of red dust behind him, and took litchi to Huaqing Palace, where the Yellow Emperor and the imperial concubine spent the summer.
Yang Guifei, who loves litchi, tasted the fragrant and cold litchi and smiled. But who can think of Mercedes-Benz pony to offer litchi?
Post horses are in a hurry, and people think that they are passing on state affairs. Who knows that those rushing waves are just sending lychees to concubines. The poet skillfully combined these two scenes, exposing the absurdity of what the Yellow Emperor did to love his concubine and attacking the extravagant life of the rulers of the Tang Dynasty.
Chant the trumpet to the emperor, alas, with a small tone and a big cavity. The official ship is in a mess, and the price increase depends on you.
The army worries about the army, and the people are afraid of the army. Where can we judge officials? Is it true?/You don't say. Seeing this, I blew the house down and hurt that one. I just blew the water away. The horn lock doesn't whine, the tune is small and the cavity is big.
The official ship is in a mess, and the price increase depends on you. Soldiers are worried about soldiers, and people are afraid of soldiers.
Where can I tell the truth from the false? Blowing this house down and hurting that one will only blow the river dry and the geese will fly! As we know, this poem was written by the poet after witnessing all kinds of evil deeds of eunuchs traveling on the canal, and it was obviously pinned on something. The question now is whether this sustenance is successful.
Trumpets are different from eunuchs, but they are similar to eunuchs in that they are "small and big" and "small and big". Therefore, the works look for * * * between things and people, and the author actually howls according to the eunuchs' faces: they are characterized by bluffing, being accomplices of the government to harm the people, dominating the king everywhere and provoking the army and the people. While exposing the darkness of the reality that eunuchs harmed the people, the author also issued a warning to the supreme ruler, and the voice of criticism was sharp.
Therefore, the ideological connotation of this poem is rich and profound. Reading through the whole article, we obviously feel that we are not chanting for the sake of chanting. The profound insight into the real society and strong emotional color clearly convey a voice of resistance, and these ideological connotations are all contained in Poems about Things.
The work clearly criticized the eunuch for harming the people, but in the end it was broken. The conclusion is left to the reader to think about, which is both hearty and implicit. This is "never leave". Spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, thousands of miles of Du Mu singing green and reflecting red, water town mountain fruit wine flag wind.
More than 480 ancient temples were left in the Southern Dynasties, and countless pagodas were shrouded in wind and rain. Thousands of miles away, birds are singing in the south of the Yangtze River, red flowers are set off by green leaves, and spring is strong everywhere. Flags in front of water towns, mountain cities and hotels are swaying gently in the wind.
Ah, the temples built in the Southern Dynasties are now hidden in a misty rain. This poem shows the poet's praise and yearning for the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.
However, some researchers put forward the "satire theory", arguing that the emperors of the Southern Dynasties were famous for Buddhism in the history of China, and that the Buddhism in Du Mu's era was also a vicious development, while Du Mu had anti-Buddhism thoughts, so the last two sentences were ironic. In fact, the interpretation of poetry should first start from the artistic image, and should not make abstract inferences.
Du Mu's opposition to Buddhism does not mean that he must hate the Buddhist temple architecture left over from history. In Xuanzhou, he often goes to Kaiyuan Temple and other places to play.
I have also been to some temples in Chizhou and made friends with monks. Famous phrases such as "Clouds on Jiuhuashan Road, Liu Fuqiao on Qingyi River" and "Autumn Mountain and Spring Rain Wandering All over Jiangnan Temple Building" all show that he still appreciates the balcony of the Buddhist temple.
Of course, while enjoying it, it is also possible to drift a little historical emotion occasionally. Gui Anshi boarded the plane to see him off. This is the late autumn in the ancient country, and the weather is very early.
Thousands of miles are like a river, like clusters of Qingfeng. Sailing towards the sunset, leaning against the west wind and leaning against the wine flag.
The colorful boat is cloudy, and the Milky Way heron rises, which is difficult to draw. Miss the past, compete for prosperity, sigh outside the door, and feel sad and hateful.
Throughout the ages, depending on the level, share weal and woe. The past of the Six Dynasties flows with the water, cold smoke and green grass.
Until now, business women have been singing. A brief analysis of the posthouse legacy shows that the poet is in Jinling resort, climbing high and looking far, full of sadness: the sun and the moon are migrating, his career is ups and downs, his family and country are worried, and his life is bitter, and he writes a masterpiece that lasts forever. Wang Anshi's "Guizhixiang" comes straight to the point, and the author, Jinling Resort, the ancient capital of the Southern Dynasties, is in a late autumn evening.
Although he takes climbing high and looking far as the theme, he takes the late autumn in his hometown as his eyes. Words such as "Zheng", "Chu" and "Su" gradually awaken its theme.
The following two sentences, borrowed from Xie Jia's famous sentence in the Six Dynasties, seem to have come out: "Explaining the Tao makes people forget Xie Xuanhui.". That is to say, an "elephant training" and an "elephant cluster" have sprung up.
Then I wrote about the color of the river. Looking at it, countless sails and shadows crisscross the sparkling river waves in the sunset. Looking closely, I saw that the west wind was tight, and the green flag of the restaurant was raised high, because the wind was blowing.
The sail is a broad scene, the wine flag is a fine scene, and the poet's meaning is guided by scenery and personnel. A word "back" and a word "foundation" are used brilliantly, and the scenery along the river is vividly written, as if it were alive.
At this point, the scenery is rough, and the following has changed. The combination of "colorful boat" and "Xinghe" adds a touch of bright color.
But the word beat has reached the rest of the film, so the pen is also here. It is quite common for everyone to praise it with the phrase "drawing is difficult". "Colorful boats are cloudy", and the river sky at sunset reads: "The Milky Way rises with herons", which looks like a continent in the evening.
The next film is another pen and ink, lamenting the historical fact that all the Six Dynasties died in debauchery. It is about sorrow, hatred, honor and disgrace, and it is empty for future generations to mourn; There is no trace of the past, only autumn grass is blue, which is shocking.
The "building outside the door" is also concise and powerful with Du Mu's "Taicheng Qu". The ending of this poem is more wonderful. The poet wrote: Today, the Six Dynasties are far away, and their legacy is still audible.
Allusions are used here "A strong woman in business doesn't know how to hate her country, but also sings" backyard flowers "across the river!" This famous sentence sung by Tang Xian Xiao Du in "The Smoke Cage is full of sand in the cold moon, and the night is near Qinhuai Restaurant" is more than enough for poets.