In fact, from the name given to his shop by the owner of this restaurant, it can be seen that Lakers fans actually have very high expectations for the team. Because the Lakers, as the top team in the NBA, have always been one of the most powerful contenders for the NBA championship, but because of the internal turmoil in the past 10, the Lakers missed the championship. There are even many times when the Lakers didn't even play in the western conference playoffs, which also changed everyone's mentality greatly. Because Lakers fans grew up with the Lakers, at this time, Lakers fans can also face the Lakers' dilemma with a self-deprecating attitude.
However, this year the Lakers won the NBA championship under the leadership of James and anthony davis, which can be said to make all Lakers fans feel very happy. Everyone used to use the Lakers championship as a slogan, but after seeing the Lakers championship become a reality, we couldn't help but be excited. So in this case, the Lakers championship has become a very popular word among Lakers fans.
But we see that the owner of this restaurant has transferred the restaurant, so this store is so famous because of the enthusiasm of the fanatical Lakers fans. Of course, the owner of this restaurant is also very excited that the Lakers can win the championship this year.