Let's talk about Yangxian County and Huiji County. There was a man named Xu who was famous for his martial arts. When I was fifteen, my parents died. Although some farm boys were left behind, no one helped them. There are two brothers, one is nine-year-old Yan Xu, and the other is seven-year-old Xu Pu. Both of them are young and ignorant, crying all day. Then Xu Wuri led the boy servant to plow the fields and seed the nursery, and lit a lamp to study at night. However, when farming, although the second brother didn't win the hoe, he would let him watch. But when reading, I let my two little brothers sit next to the book case, teach sentences by themselves, explain them in detail, teach them manners, and teach them how to grow up. If you don't teach a little, you need to kneel in front of the temple and blame yourself, saying that you are not virtuous enough to teach. May parents have spirit, enlighten second brother, and you will cry. I didn't get up until my brother wailed and confessed, and I didn't add insult to injury. The room only needs a pavement, and the three brothers sleep together. A few years have passed, and my second brother has grown up and his housework has become more and more abundant. It is suggested that Wu Xu get married. Wu Xu replied, "If you get married, you will easily live apart from your second brother. I can't bear to forget the love between husband and wife. " If we plow together during the day, read books together at night, eat together and sleep in a bed. There is a famous name in the village, all of which are called "filial brother Wu Xu". Several slogans came out and said, "I admire Xu Jichang. I am busy day and night." Teach the second brother to walk well all the way, not the big brother but the parents. "
At that time, the state animal husbandry and county guards all heard their names and handed them in for recommendation. The court recruited them as negotiators and sent a letter to Huiji County. The satrap gave an order and ordered a county magistrate to persuade him to drive every day. Wu Xu is under your orders, but it's hard to push him back. He divided the work among his two brothers: "Just like when I was at home, I couldn't slack off my work and had a legacy from my ancestors." He also told his slaves: "Everyone should be careful, listen to the servants of the two butlers, get up early and get greedy, sleep at night and help the family business." I quit. Pack your bags. Don't use the official car, hire your own feet to board the car, only bring one child, and look forward to Chang' an.
In a few days, I will go to Beijing to read the post. In Chang 'an, I heard the name of my filial brother Wu Xu and tried to visit the branch well. At this time, I was looking forward to class and became famous in all fields. The North Korean minister learned that Wu Xu was unmarried and wanted to have a wife. Wu Xu thought, "My three brothers are all strong and have no wives. If I get married first, this is not the way to be a brother. In addition, my family is a farmer, and I was lucky enough to prepare staff for the government, so I married all the gentry. That woman is arrogant because she depends on her family. Not only did it ruin my Confucianism, but both my brothers married poor women in the future. How do they get along? Brothers have never been reconciled, most of them are caused by women. I can't stop it from getting worse. " Still, I can't say anything. I have to make a correct statement that my family has been a bad wife. I dare not stop my wife from remarrying for fear of being laughed at by Hong Song. When people hear about it, they respect it more and more. Kuang is good at Confucian classics, and the court has major policies, and hundreds of officials can't decide, so they often come to consult him. He quoted the classics and discussed the main points. However, what Wu Xu put forward is considered very difficult by everyone, and it is very important for officials or officials to rely on it. In a few years, I moved to the post of ancient literati.
Suddenly one day, my second brother was at home and studied mechanics for many years, but I didn't see the recommendation from the county. Afraid of being idle and unemployed, I want to go back to China to see the province. Then I went to the office and said, "I am a talented person, but I met a great generation and I have made my position clear." I didn't ask for a report, so I dare to relax. " But the ancients said,' Filial piety comes first'. "There are three kinds of unfilial, no queen is the biggest. Parents recite early, and the domain is not repaired; Two ministers and brothers, whose learning has not been established; I'm in my thirties and I'm not married. Of the five virtues, the third is lacking. I am willing to ask for leave from the minister and go back to my hometown temporarily. Think about the power of the minister, and you can whip the moss and run like a horse. "The son of heaven browse and play, allow it to leave. He was ordered to return to his hometown with all his clothes on, and was given a wedding gift of 20 Jin. Wu Xu thanked North Korea and all the officials saw him off in the suburbs. To be exact:
Reporting Jinyi's return to his hometown, boasting that the White House is a public official.
Since Wu Xu came back, the provincial government has finished his first visit, so he returned to the official's office, blaming only his illness and not wanting to be an official. After a while, I calmly called my second brother to him and asked him about his study progress. Yan Xu's and Xu Pu's answers are like a stream, and they are carefully chosen. Wu Xu was overjoyed. The farm house I visited before was several times larger than before, and it was also the product of my second brother's diligence and thrift. Wu then visited all the women of good families in Lizhong, first engaged to two brothers, then married himself, and then married his second brother. After about a few months, he suddenly said to his second brother, "I heard that brothers have the meaning of separation." You and I are getting married today, and the land is not thin. It is reasonable to set up our own door. "
Second brother is obedient. Is to choose a day to treat people to drink and visit the elders in the village. Three masters have passed, but it is a question of analysis. Knowing that the servant was called to the front, he divided all his belongings one by one. First of all, I took a very wide house for myself. I said, "I am a noble minister. I should knock my halberd at the door." I can't be ashamed. " Your generation has worked hard in the fields, and it is enough to get a bamboo shed. "I also read the records of the fields. Every fertile field was returned to me. I want to measure the poor to my second brother. He said, "I have many guests and a wide range of friends. Otherwise it won't be enough for me. There are several families in your generation, but you have the ability to do it. Only in this way can it not be frozen. I don't want you to sacrifice virtue in order to earn more money. " He also learned what the vigorous and clever servant said, "I have to follow in and out, otherwise it is not enough to give orders." "Your generation needs the company of this fool to work together. It is enough for the old and the weak to support themselves. There is no need for many people to waste your food and clothing." The elders have always known that Wu Xu is a filial brother, and this wealth is bound to be less and less, and they don't want to take advantage of themselves like him. The income of the two little brothers is less than five tenths of his, so they have no humility and bully. People's hearts are very uneven A few honest old people have to go. There is an outspoken man who wants to speak out loud and argue with his two younger brothers. One of them, a very experienced man, pulled his hands behind his back and taught him not to say anything, that's all. Then teach him not to say, and he still has some knowledge. He said: "The rich and the poor are not ordinary people. Wu Xu has become a prominent official, which is different from the original. As the saying goes: relatives are not separated. You and I will always be outsiders, how can we care about his family affairs? Even if you try to persuade him, he may not listen, waste your breath and stir up discord between brothers. If brothers are willing to make their brothers beautiful, what should you and I do again? If you don't want to be brothers, you will inevitably quarrel. When he is arguing, we will claim for him, but it is not good! " To be exact:
Don't mind your own business and don't talk like lovers.
It turns out that since Yan Xu and Xu Pu were taught by their elder brother, they both put filial piety first. Seeing my brother's analysis, I take it for granted, and there is almost no sense of injustice. The distribution of Wu Xu has been decided, and everyone is scattered. Wu Xu lives in the first room in the middle, while the left and right rooms, Yan Xu and Xu Pu live on both sides. Leading domestic slaves every day, farming in the fields, reading books in my spare time and asking my brother questions from time to time. Sister-in-law, like his three brothers. Since then, the elders, everyone's actions have pity on his two brothers. He said privately, "Wu Xu is a false filial piety, while Yan Xu and Xu Pu are true filial piety. He misses his parents, is spiritually unified, listens to their teachings, and obeys Nuo Nuo, which does not violate. Isn't it filial piety? He also values righteousness over wealth, with more points and less points, which is indisputable. Isn't it cheap? " At first, there was a good name in the school called "filial piety", but now the word "Wu" has been deleted and changed to "filial piety" to name He Xu Pu. At that time, the discussion in the Han dynasty was extremely heavy, and several slogans were put forward, saying: "Fake filial piety, be an official; How filial! Export currency. False filial piety, according to Gao Xuan; It's filial piety, guarding Mao's eaves. False filial piety, pastoral; How filial, holding a sickle. Real jade, fake tile; Tile is mansion, jade is wild. There is no truth, only falsehood. "
At that time, Ming Di acceded to the throne, and sent a letter seeking talents, asking a company to visit those loyal and learned people, and pay a courtesy visit to them and send them to Beijing. The imperial edict arrived in Huiji County, and county decrees were sent to all counties. The county magistrate learned that Yan Xu and Xu Pu had given up their property and asked his father and husband to praise him for his filial piety and honesty. They reported to the county. County magistrate and state shepherd are familiar with their names and recommend them together. When the magistrate arrived at his door, he got off the bus and bowed, holding Xuanyao's smoked silk in his hand, ready for Chen's intention to seek virtue. Yan Xu and Xu Pu are both modest. Xu Wudao said, "It is the duty of a gentleman to learn how to be brave from an early age. My brother cannot be firm. " They had to say goodbye to their brother and sister-in-law and take a bus to Chang 'an to appear before the son of heaven. After the dance, the son of heaven asked, "Is Qing your brother?" Yan and Pu kowtowed to their orders. The son of heaven added, "Wen Qing's family has a filial brother's name. I'm glad you're too generous. " Yan and Pu kowtowed, "This is a grand ceremony for emperors to make money and treasure. Counties are not greedy for officials, but have great wisdom. I lost my parents since I was a child, studied martial arts with my brother, worked hard and studied hard. How can I wait for my brother? " The son of heaven is right, Jia Qilian, and today it is regarded as internal history. In five years, I have reached the position of Jiuqing. Although the official position is not as good as Brother He's name, the Qing Dynasty called Lian Xiang.
Suddenly one day, Wu Xu wrote a letter to his second brother. Second brother opened it. The book says: "It is also a great honor to be called to Jiuqing as the next official. Second, there is a saying:' knowing it is not humiliating, and knowing it is not dangerous.' Since there are no outstanding talents, we should retreat as soon as possible, so as not to embark on the road of sages. "Yan, PiaoDeShu, today with hydrophobic, the son of heaven. On the third day, the son of heaven asked Song Jun, the prime minister, saying, "Yan Xu and Xu Pu are very prosperous officials, and they are preparing for the post of Jiuqing. I treated them well and asked for retirement many times. Why? " Yan and Pu are filial friends. Now, he has lived in the forest for a long time, and Yan and Pu are driving Tianzhu, and his heart may be uneasy. The son of heaven said, "What if I call Wu Xu and ask the three brothers to help the government deal with North Korea?" He said, "My consideration of Yan and Pu is sincere. If your majesty doesn't agree to your request, he will be tall. In the future, I will send a letter to collect, or tell a story first, and go to a nearby big county to show my unfinished talent. Because of the detour to the province, your majesty's sincerity in virtue and righteousness will have both. "The son of heaven will play, that is, worship Yan Xu as the prefect of Danyang County, and Xu Pu as the prefect of Wu Junjun County. Each person will be given 20 Jin of gold and have a holiday in March to show his brotherhood. Yan Xu and Xu Pu thanked the court, and the officials went out to the Shili Pavilion to see them off.
Yan and Pu returned to Yangxian on a starry night, met their eldest brother and gave him all the gold given by the imperial court. Xu Wudao: "This is a gift from the Holy Father. How dare I! " Teach the second brother to take it away separately. The next day, he prepared three kinds of sacrifices, took his second brother to his parents' grave, worshipped his parents, and gave a banquet to call Elder Li. Xu Shi's three brothers have all become big officials, although he is not proud of his wealth and natural momentum. Hearing his call, I dare not come. Please. At this time, the elders came more and more neatly. Wu Xu, with a glass in his hand, personally advised him to drink. They all said, "Invite Long Wengong and his second and third brothers to drink. How dare the older generation take the lead! " Compared with that time, the folk customs were simple, the hard-working township party had a long history, and Wu Xu was an official for a long time. He is also known as "Long Wengong". Those two brothers will be called "big brother" for the rest of their lives, although they are expensive in their hometown and respect the old and love the young. Xu Wudao: "I'm here to be an official, and I want to invite the villagers down to earth. I have a heartfelt message to tell you. You have to drink three cups to dare to smell. " They were persuaded and had to eat. Wu Xujiao raised the lamp for the second time and toasted each other. After drinking, they all said in unison: "The older generation owes great love to the sages and Kunyu, and it is also appropriate to lend flowers to offer Buddha." Wu Xu and three others also finished their drinks. The crowd said, "I just gave a speech about Jin Yu in the Wen Chang office. Old people have been listening for a long time, and I hope to show it. " Wu Xu held up two fingers and said that he would come out. Countless words make the listener's hair stand on end: I don't know Dapeng and Hebo doesn't know Hai Ruo. Sages have worked hard for a long time, and mediocrity is immeasurable.
Wu Xu didn't speak at that time, so he shed tears first. Scared everyone, the two brothers quickly knelt down and asked, "Why is brother sad?" Xu Wudao: "My heart has been hidden for several years, and I have to say it today." Pointing to the banquet, Pu said, "Because you two didn't get fame, I did something against my will and risked the reputation of my ancestors, which made me laugh in the countryside, so I shed tears." Then he took out a book and showed it to everyone. It turned out to be the number of fields, houses and houses and the gathering of rice, millet, cloth and silk over the years. People still don't know what this means. Wu Xu added: "When I first educated my two brothers, I wanted them to become monks, become famous and show them to their relatives. If you don't want me to exist in name only, then I will get ahead first. The second brother is at home, specializing in machinery, and may not be conquered by the counties. I want to serve the ancient doctor Qi, but I can't avoid my relatives. I'm afraid I don't know my second brother's apprentice, saying that he missed his lifelong honor because his brother got an official position. Therefore, I advocate analyzing the discussion of residence and taking the mansion and fertile land as your own. My brother Su Dun loves respect and never tries to be competitive. I am greedy for the time being, and my brother has a reputation for honesty. Guo Meng got the evaluation from the village and was hired. Today, I am a public official, and officials are always innocent. My ambition has come true. These farm maids are all public goods. Can I have them for myself? I don't dare to use the silk collected in recent years. All my works are in that book. Today, I gave it to my second brother, as my brother's long-standing heart, which is also known to the whole village. "
Only when the elders arrived here did they know that Xu Wuxian had a hard time analyzing the output the year before. He was ashamed that he was too ignorant to peek and sigh in unison. Only Xu Pu fell to the ground and cried, saying, "Brother Meng is my elder brother. I am lucky to be here today. Who knew my brother was so careful! It's that the younger generation is corrupt, and they can't rise to the top of Qingyun, but they have tired brothers. Today, if it weren't for my brother's soliloquy, my brothers would be in a dream. Brother Shengde, it's unprecedented. It's just the sin of the younger generation, which is extremely difficult to recover. These small possessions were originally earned by my brother and are suitable for my brother's management. The younger generation is well-fed and does not need the care of the older brother. " Xu Wudao said: "I have been my brother for many years and I know a lot about reproduction. Besides, the official position is weak, and it is easy to hoe and even die. The second brother is young and strong, and Fang Simin is a society. It is appropriate to invest in the village after the festival. " Yan and Pu added, "My brother is dirty for his brother. The younger generation is both famous and vulgar, and is the most greedy husband in the world. He humiliated not only his ancestors, but also his brother. I hope my brother will take back the book and talk about reducing the crime of my younger generation! "
When the elders saw that his three brothers had surrendered to each other, you didn't accept it and I didn't accept it. They all urged forward: "Xian Kunyu said the universal truth. Longwen Palace won this property by itself, which may not always fulfill the painstaking efforts of both of you. If you have suffered, you have failed your brother Wen Gong's kindness. In the humble opinion of the older generation, it is appropriate to divide the three shares equally, regardless of thickness, to see the respect of brothers, friends and brothers and do their best. " The three of them are antagonistic. Some of the elders are upright and some are upright. They stepped forward and said sharply, "We parted just in time. If you push it back, praise will be hypocritical. Bring this book and wait for the old man to part with you! " Wu Xusan brothers dare not say more, so they have to follow his advice. At that time, the land was matched, and the three shares were separated and managed separately. In the middle building, Wu Xu is still alive. If the left and right houses are narrow, Yan and Pu will be compensated according to the number of chestnuts and silks where they are located. One day, they will rebuild themselves and the servant girls will be assigned. The elders called it fairness, and Wu Xu and others saluted and thanked them, and invited them to the main table to have a drink, and parted happily. Finally, Wu Xu apologized for the previous property analysis, and wanted to set up half of the fertile land as Yicun to support the village. When Yan Xu and Xu Pu heard about it, they also lent a helping hand. Everyone in the room was amazed. Several slogans came out again, saying, "I am really filial and honest, but I am brave;" Who will succeed? Yan and pu. Brothers don't fight, brothers don't take it. Be a just village and support the village. Oh, Lian Xiao, who can compare with it! "General Yan feels brother's righteousness, and the court gives the gold market niujiu, and invites the elders and brothers across the country to drink it every day. So in March, the holiday was full, and Yan and Pu could not bear to part with their brothers, and each had to return an official letter. Wu Xu repeatedly urged him to be responsible for righteousness, so they had to listen and took their wives and children to their posts.
The elders in the village told Wu Xu about his filial piety, and the county heard about it. The imperial edict makes a certain department show its door, which is called filial piety. Later, three fair and nine expensive handed in a chapter, praising Wu Xu's virtue, which was unparalleled and tiring to use the letter, except Wu Xu. Someone asked why. Xu Wudao said, "When my two brothers lived in the imperial court, I satirized Zhi Zhi. If I come back today, I will take back my words. The situation is above the imperial court, which is non-stimulating and snobbish. I'm afraid it's not a blessing for the gentry. It is better to cultivate happiness! " Everyone agrees with him.
Coupled with the arrival of Yan and Pu, they are brotherly and faithful, and each encourages himself with chastity, which makes a great political noise. Later, I heard that his brother was too tall to go out. The brothers met, returned the seal and rushed back to the field, hoping to make a tour of mountains and rivers for the brothers and die for a hundred years. Xu Shi's children are prosperous, and generations are clothed in rags. So far, they all call it "filial piety and the Xu family" cloud. Later generations sang and sighed: "Today's brothers share more production, so do the ancient brothers. The ancients divided their production in the name of their younger brothers, but today people divide their production but compete for it. The ancients defiled themselves as filial piety, but today people strive for small profits. Filial piety is famous for its high reputation and glory, while meager profits compete with each other. Ann lived in filial piety, but she was ashamed to death. "