However, there is another saying: the sky is high and the emperor is far away. After all, it was in ancient times. It wasn't like this then. Even what just happened may spread in a short time. Therefore, where the emperor can't reach, there are always many places where the emperor oppresses the people by virtue of his power. Among them, the landlord class is the most hated by the people. Some evil landlords, because ordinary people dare not confront officials, often oppress the people, increase taxes without authorization, and even rob them.
1. Huang Shiren, the bully landlord in the ancient literary work "White-haired Girl", in fact, what scares the people most is not the emperor, but the big landlord in a village. Because landlords can generally collect taxes on behalf of the government and have certain powers. So most landlords generally have some cooperation with the local government. When collecting taxes, they raise the tax amount and then deduct it from it. Some landlords will even do things that hurt people for their own benefit. Therefore, ordinary people usually hate and fear the landlord.
Perhaps, when we talk about landlords now, we will feel that they are far away from us and have already disappeared in the torrent of history. However, some landlords are still remembered by many people for doing too much evil, and they will be indignant when they are mentioned. One of the more famous landlords is the character described in literary works, namely Huang Shiren, a bully landlord who makes people gnash their teeth.
In the book White-haired Girl, Huang Shiren is a bully landlord with bad conduct and likes to bully others. On a piece of land under his jurisdiction, there was a tenant named Yang. Yang Bailao gave birth to a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, named Yang Xier. Yang Xier's beauty is also well-known in the local area, and there are many pursuers.
When Huang Shiren heard about Yang Xier's beauty, he became lustful and wanted to keep Yang Xier for himself. At this time, Yang Bailao had arranged another marriage for her daughter and wanted to refuse Huang Shiren. Who knows that Huang Shiren is not soft, so he wants to be hard. He started to raise taxes at Yang Bailao's house at will, because he was the landlord, which eventually led to Yang Bailao's suicide, and Joey unfortunately fell into his hands.
After that, Xi was tortured in her home in Huang Shiren, and her life was very difficult. By chance, Joey finally escaped from Huang Shiren's clutches and hid in the mountains. It was not until the new society was established that it came out of the mountains. Huang Shiren, the bully landlord, was finally punished.
Secondly, the bully landlords described in "Cockcrow at Midnight" and "Female Soldiers in Red" always have some villains when describing the hard life of grassroots people in China feudal society. They always do bad things at the expense of others. In addition to the above-mentioned villain Huang Shiren in White-haired Girl, there are also two bully landlords in the other two works. Namely: Zhou Pi in Midnight Cockcrow and Nan Ba Tian in Red women soldiers.
In "Cockcrow at Midnight", a landlord was portrayed as very stingy and calculating. He is Pippi Zhou. The biggest feature of this person is that he cares about his own interests very much. In order to have more money, people often pretend to crow when others are sleeping in the middle of the night, and then people mistakenly think it's time to work and start to get up and work for them.
In addition, he often likes to bully others. When I was in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, I didn't provide assistance to my compatriots to help them resist the enemy, but I colluded with the enemy and took it out on one nostril. On his site, in order to bring greater benefits to himself, he tried his best to exploit people.
The villain's name in Red women soldiers is Nanbatian. He not only oppressed ordinary people with power like other bully landlords, but also formed his own military system. Instead of serving the people, his army became his tool to oppress the people.
On his turf, anyone who dares not to listen to him will be arrested and tortured with all kinds of torture. Good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil. His abnormal behavior aroused many people's resistance. One of his servants found an opportunity to escape from him, joined the Red Army, and finally led the army to bring Nanbatian to justice.
Third, the real bully landlord: Zhou Bapi and Nan Batian mentioned by Liu are just characters written by some authors, which are fictional. However, the statement that there is no landlord in real society is not valid. On the contrary, landlords in the real world have done many things worse than described, which are even more hateful. The real landlord representative is Liu.
Liu was an important figure who was active in Sichuan and Guangxi before liberation. It is said that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. At that time, Sichuan and Guangxi were relatively backward and the news was blocked. Some powerful people naturally became local emperors. Liu is a famous bully landlord.
He is not only a simple landlord, but also involved in business. However, he didn't want to use his own financial resources or power to contribute to the liberation of China. On the contrary, he often uses his power to lend usury to some people who need money in local life, and then charge high interest to earn more money. Besides, there are some other evil things, such as robbing women and hurting people's lives.
Although Liu Jiali also has some kind people who have given great support to the development of new China with their own money and ability, Liu's various bad things can not be easily offset. His evil deeds have damaged many lives, and the two cannot be compared at all.