The director saw it and said, "You are too unsympathetic to be an animal keeper." The man said, "Give me another chance and I will be gentle." Chang Yuan said, "Well, all three conditions are the same, but you can't do it this time." The man agreed, walked up to the elephant and said, "Are you still angry?" The elephant shook his head. The man asked again, "Do you know me now?" The elephant nodded. The man asked again, "Do you know what to do now?" Hearing this, the elephant turned and jumped into the swimming pool.
2. A pair of football players go to other countries to play football. One day, during the break, they wandered in the street. Suddenly, a baby fell from the tenth floor, and the goalkeeper instinctively jumped out and caught the child. People in the street praised him one by one, only to see the goalkeeper smile, habitually pat the child twice, and one big foot went out. ...
A person who just learned a foreign language was walking in the street that day and accidentally stepped on a foreigner's foot. The man quickly said, "I'm sorry." The foreigner also said politely, "I'm sorry, too." Hearing this, the man quickly said, "I'm sorry, three." When the foreigner heard this, he asked, "What are you sorry for?" The man said helplessly, "I'm sorry for five. "
4, a group of vampire bats can't find food, and when they are hungry, they bump into each other in the cave. This is a bat's mouth full of blood. All bats envy and ask, "Where did you find the blood?" Then the bat took them to a big tree and asked, "See?" The bat said, "Yes." The bat said, "I didn't fucking see it just now!" " ! ! "
Boss, you didn't deduct the theme! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Commentator: a 5252856- probationary period level 1
No, I went to the zoo as an animal keeper alone. The director said to him, "well, I'll test you." Is there any way to make the elephant shake his head first, then nod, and finally jump into the swimming pool? " The man said.
The zoo thought of a way because people threw food at lions.
Put up a sign-you must pick up what you throw. .....
An unexplained misunderstanding
One beautiful morning, the sky was clear, but a farmer sat at the door drunk and lost his mind.
A passer-by asked curiously, fellow villager, the weather is so good today, why don't you enjoy it and drink here instead?
The farmer replied, well, there are some things you can never explain.
Passerby: What misfortune happened?
Farmer: Today, when I was milking the cow, I poked it. The cow kicked over the tongs with her left foot.
Passerby: Bad luck, but not bad enough.
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain.
Passerby: What's next?
Farmer: I tied her left leg to a post with a rope and squeezed it. As a result, a bucket was just full, and she kicked it over with her right leg.
Passers-by asked with a smile, and then what?
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain. I also tied her right leg to the post, just filled a bucket, and she swept it down with her tail.
Passerby: It's bad enough. Forget it, don't be sad.
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain.
Passerby: What else? !
Farmer: I don't have a rope this time, so I'm going to tie her tail to the post with a belt. I pulled out my belt and grabbed her tail. At this moment, my pants fell off and my girlfriend came in. ......
The zoo thought of a way because people threw food at lions.
Put up a sign-you must pick up what you throw. ......
An unexplained misunderstanding
One beautiful morning, the sky was clear, but a farmer sat at the door drunk and lost his mind.
A passer-by asked curiously, fellow villager, the weather is so good today, why don't you enjoy it and drink here instead?
The farmer replied, well, there are some things you can never explain.
Passerby: What misfortune happened?
Farmer: Today, when I was milking the cow, I poked it. The cow kicked over the tongs with her left foot.
Passerby: Bad luck, but not bad enough.
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain.
Passerby: What's next?
Farmer: I tied her left leg to a post with a rope and squeezed it. As a result, a bucket was just full, and she kicked it over with her right leg.
Passers-by asked with a smile, and then what?
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain. I also tied her right leg to the post, just filled a bucket, and she swept it down with her tail.
Passerby: It's bad enough. Forget it, don't be sad.
Farmer: Well, there are some things that you can never explain.
Passerby: What else? !
Farmer: I don't have a rope this time, so I'm going to tie her tail to the post with a belt. I pulled out my belt and grabbed her tail. At this moment, my pants fell off and my girlfriend came in. ......
I am a bird, flying all the time, not high.
1+ 1 =2, a tree+a tree = a forest.
The zoo thought of a way because people threw food at lions.
Put up a sign-you must pick up what you throw. ......
Distance produces beauty, but close contact declines.
I hope you don't open your hands, flowers also have their own tears.
Every flower and grass is life, and a leaf is always related to love.
The grass smiles at you. Please make a detour.