When Yuwen Shu was a teenager, he was brave and tenacious, and learned a good martial art of riding and shooting. He was calm and capable, and won the appreciation of Yuwen Hu, a powerful Otsuka in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and was named Kaifu because of his father's meritorious military service. Later, he was appointed as Dr. Yingguo and Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and was named Duke of Puyang.
In the second year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Wendi of Sui became the Prime Minister of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and was in charge of state affairs. Wei Chijiong, coach of Xiangzhou, rebelled in Yecheng. In order to quell the rebellion, the court sent loyal ministers to go out separately. Yuwen Shu was appointed general manager of the March, and led three thousand cavalry and infantry to Heyang. Wei Chijiong sent Li Jun to take the initiative to attack Huaizhou to stop the loyalist. Yuwen Shu saw the intention of the rebels, confronted Li Jun first, and broke the array in one fell swoop, disrupting the defensive deployment of the rebels. Then, Yuwen Shu led his troops forward and launched a decisive battle with Wei Chiwei, the main enemy force, in Yongqiao area. Yuwen Shu took the lead, went straight into the enemy lines and wounded two enemy generals. When the rest of the enemy generals turned their heads and fled back to the line, Yuwen Shu killed one person before catching up. Suddenly, the enemy was in chaos, and Yuwen Shu invaded and killed many prisoners. After that, he continued to look for soldiers, and every battle was successful until the rebellion was completely quelled. After returning to Korea, he was promoted as a pillar country and was awarded the title of praising lord protector.
After Emperor Wendi ascended the throne, he wanted to destroy Chen. He first appointed Yuwen Shu as the right-back general. After several years of preparation, when Emperor Yangdi began to implement the plan of destroying Chen for eight years, he appointed Yuwen Shu as an officer of the head office and led his troops south by 30,000.
At that time, Han Qinhu and He Rebi attacked Danyang, and Yuwen Shu marched into Shicheng to show unity. Shortly after the Battle of Jiankang, Chen Houzhu was captured alive, but the generals of Chen Guo, Xiao Shan ordered them to retreat to the land of Soochow and led the troops to fight back. Yuwen Shu personally led Yuan Qi and Zhang Mo-yan to pursue the Second Primary School, and finally wiped out the enemy by land and water. Therefore, our land belongs to the Sui Dynasty.
After Emperor Wendi proclaimed himself emperor, his second son, Yang Guang, was made King of Jin. Yang Guang wanted to replace his brother Prince, so he asked Yuwen Shu to give him advice. Yuwen Shu bribed Su Yang's younger brother YueYang with gold and silver treasures, and then communicated with Su Yang to plot. In November of the twentieth year of Huang Kai, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, finally appointed Wang Yangguang of Jin as the Crown Prince, and soon appointed Yuwen Shu as the left-back rate.
After Yang Guang ascended the throne as emperor of Yang Di, he worshipped Yuwen Shu as the left-back general and changed his name to Xu Guogong. Three years later, he added the Third Division of Fuyi. Yang-ti likes to cruise around the world. Every time he travels, he is escorted by a large group of people, and Yuwen Shu often follows around. Great cause for three years, Yuwen Shu arrived in Yulin with Yang-ti, Tuguhun was soon defeated by Tiele and sent messengers to ask for surrender and rescue. Yang-ti sent Yuwen Shu to the Qiang city near Xiping to appease Nashun. But Tuguhun saw that Yuwen Shu was armed to the teeth and simply fled to the west. Yuwen Shu judged that Tuyuhun was insincere, so he led Yin and Yang Lang to follow Liang Yuanli and Zhang Jun, and finally beheaded more than 3,000 people. Captured 200 princes, ministers and generals, and more than 4,000 men and women. In the second year, Yang-ti went west, climbed Jinshan and saw Yan Zhi. Tuguhun invaded Zhangye, and Yuwen Shu sent troops to repel it again, regardless of the long journey. In order to thank him for his kindness, Yang Di asked Dr. Su Wei and Zuo Guanglu to manage state affairs. At that time, people called them five guests.
Later, Yuwen Shu accompanied Yang Di to visit Jiangdu. Yang-ti enjoyed himself, but Yuwen Shu, who had been riding on the pommel horse for years and tried to please the emperor, finally fell ill from overwork. Yuwen Shu died shortly after. Yang-ti abolished the dynasty and conferred honorary titles such as Stuart and Shangshuling.