(1). It means great merit. Zhuangzi Travel to the North: "There is great beauty in heaven and earth without saying anything." Lu Deming explained: "Great beauty is the beauty of repetition." Wang Xianqian quoted Xuan Yingyun: "It is beneficial and everything is unfavorable." The Three Kingdoms Wei's "Lin Zi Answer Hou Jian": "If you don't forget the great beauty of your country, it will last forever." Song Fan Zhongyan's Book of the Dynasty: "The sages of Gaigu have made great and beautiful works, and once they are cited, they cannot be determined." (2) refers to excellent talent and quality. "Lu Chunqiu": "With the small evil of people, the great beauty of the deceased, this person lost the world." "Biography of Chen Han and Tang Dynasties": "Those who have achieved great things are not small, and those who have raised beautiful women are not flawed."
Word decomposition
The interpretation of "big" means that the area, volume, capacity, quantity, strength and intensity exceed the average level or the object being compared, as opposed to "small": hall. Great politics. The climate is very good. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. Big belly. This room is as big as that one. Large scale, deep degree and important nature: the overall situation. Interpretation of popular beauty beauty is good, and good is virtue. Aesthetics. Great conversation. Aesthetics. Beautiful beauty (beautifying appearance). It's beautiful. Pride: I am flattered. Praise, feel good: praise. Kind words. Fame. It means "America" (America for short): North America. South America. Means "United States": US dollars.