You can try to understand that when buyers apply for personal housing loans, because buyers themselves already need to carry out corresponding loan operations, if buyers still need loans when paying the down payment, this way will only lead to the inability of buyers to bear all kinds of loans for buying houses, and even lead to serious overdue of buyers. To some extent, when a real estate is sold with zero down payment, this method itself will make buyers and banks have certain hidden dangers.
There is false propaganda in the activities of the property in Shenzhen.
The reason for saying this is mainly because this property in Longgang, Shenzhen is not an absolute zero down payment. When the zero down payment activity was implemented, the developer of this property gave loans to the buyers through interest-free loans, requiring the buyers to repay all the down payment in the next three years, so the essence of this method actually belongs to consumer loans.
Our country also does not allow zero down payment to buy a house.
In addition to the alleged false propaganda, because our country simply does not allow any real estate to buy a house with zero down payment, the promotion activities suspected of zero down payment will definitely be stopped immediately. As I said above, because buying a house itself will involve millions or even tens of millions of funds, if the buyer buys a house with empty gloves, this behavior itself is very irresponsible, and it will also lead to the possibility that the buyer will be seriously overdue.
In addition, almost all cities have a down payment ratio of at least 30%. In order to further encourage people to buy a house, some cities may launch a 20% zero down payment activity, but the level of 20% zero down payment is almost the minimum for buying a house in China. If a person can't even make up the down payment, he actually can't afford to buy a house locally.