Look carefully at the name of the control selected by LZ's COM port. The number 1 is the letter L in the code, so the COM port cannot be selected.
Revise as follows:
Private? Sub? Combo 1_Click()
What if? MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? Really? then
MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? "False" closes the communication port.
End? if
MSComm 1。 CommPort? =? Combo 1。 ListIndex? +? 1
Text3? =? MSComm 1。 Communication port
End? submarine
Private? Sub? Command 1_Click()
Open? Mistakes? GoTo? U error
What if? Command 1. Title? =? "Close the serial port"? then
MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? wrong
Command 1. Title? =? "Open serial port"
Shape 1。 FillColor? =? & ampHFFFFC0
MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? real
Command 1. Title? =? "Close the window"
Shape 1。 FillColor? =? & ampHFF
End? if
Quit submarine
U error:
msg$? =? "Invalid port number"
Title $? =? "Serial Debugging Assistant"
x? =? MsgBox(msg$,? 48,? Title $)
End? submarine
Private? Sub? form_load()
What if? MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? Really? then
MSComm 1。 PortOpen? =? wrong
End? if
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM 1 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM2 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM3 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM4 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM5 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM6 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM7 "
Combo 1。 AddItem? " COM8 "
Combo 1。 ListIndex? =? 0
MSComm 1。 CommPort? =? Combo 1。 ListIndex? +? 1
MSComm 1。 Settings? =? 19200,n,8, 1
Command 1. Title? =? "Open serial port"
Shape 1。 FillColor? =? & ampHFFFFC0
Option 2. Value? =? real
Combination 2. AddItem? "256000"
Combination 2. AddItem? " 128000"
Combination 2. AddItem? " 1 15200"
Combination 2. AddItem? "57600"
Combination 2. AddItem? "38400"
Combination 2. AddItem? "28800"
Combination 2. AddItem? " 19200"
Combination 2. AddItem? "9600"
Combination 2. AddItem? "4800"
Combination 2. AddItem? "2400"
Combination 2. AddItem? " 1200"
Combo3。 AddItem? "No? None "
Combo3。 AddItem? "Strange? Weird "
Combo3。 AddItem? "even? Even "
Combo4。 AddItem? "4"
Combo4。 AddItem? "5"
Combo4。 AddItem? "5"
Combo4。 AddItem? "6"
Combo4。 AddItem? "7"
Combo4。 AddItem? "8"
Combination 5. AddItem? " 1"
Combination 5. AddItem? "2"
MSComm 1。 InBufferSize? =? 1024
MSComm 1。 External buffer size? =? 5 12
MSComm 1。 RThreshold? =? 1
End? submarine
Private? Sub? MSComm 1 _ on com()
Dim? BytReceived()? As? byte
Dim? Me? As? integer
Choice? Case? MSComm 1。 CommEvent
Case? comEventRxOver
Text 1。 Words? =? ""
Quit submarine
Case? comEvReceive
MSComm 1。 InputLen? =? 0
strBuff? =? MSComm 1。 invest
What if? MSComm 1。 InputMode? =? comInputModeBinary? then
BytReceived()? =? strBuff
For what? Me? =? 0? Where to? UBound (received bytes)
What if? Len(Hex(BytReceived(i)))? =? 1? then
strData? =? strData? & amp? "0"? & amp? Hex(BytReceived(i))? & amp? ""
strData? =? strData? & amp? Hex(BytReceived(i))? & amp? ""
End? if
Text 1? =? Text 1? & amp? strData
strData? =? ""
Text 1? =? Text 1? & amp? strBuff
End? if
End? choose
End? submarine
Private? Sub? Option 1_Click()
MSComm 1。 InputMode? =? comInputModeText
End? submarine
Private? Sub? Option2_Click()
MSComm 1。 InputMode? =? comInputModeBinary
End? submarine