1844, textile workers in Silesia, Germany also broke out an armed uprising against the oppression and exploitation of feudal landlords and capitalists. Influenced by utopian socialist theory and suppressed by reactionary troops, these struggles and uprisings failed. However, it marks that the proletariat, as an independent political force, has stepped onto the historical stage and become the biggest driving force of historical development. It urgently needs revolutionary theory to guide its actions. Marx and Engels adapt to the needs of the times and shoulder the historical responsibility of establishing scientific capitalism.
On the basis of summing up the experience of the workers' movement at that time, Marx and Engels critically absorbed the excellent achievements of German classical philosophy, British classical political economy and French utopian socialism. After revolutionary transformation, scientific capitalism was established; Its three components are Marxist philosophy-dialectical materialism and historical materialism, political economy and scientific socialism. Marx and Engels "were able to make their theories, except for their genius conditions, mainly because they personally participated in the class struggle and the practice of scientific experiments at that time."
After graduating from college, Marx published an article in Rheinische Zeitung, denouncing the Prussian government. After arriving in Paris, he studied the revolutionary history of various countries, especially the history of class struggle in France, and directly participated in the activities of many workers' groups. He published: in the introduction, he pointed out for the first time that the proletariat is the force to realize the socialist revolution and complete human liberation. At this time, it has become a capitalist.
Engels had many contacts with British workers and established contacts with the leaders of the Charter Movement. 1845, he wrote the book "Working Class in Britain", and put forward the important principle that the workers' movement must be combined with socialism. He became a producer of * * * through revolutionary practice.
1847, Marx and Engels reorganized the "Rightist Alliance" into the "Producer Alliance" and became the first proletarian party under the guidance of scientific capitalism, and drafted a program for it. This is the Producer's Manifesto published by 1848 in February, which symbolizes Marxism.