"When Wang Wen was arrested, he played Zhouyi and Zhong Ni wrote Spring and Autumn Annals." He was more experienced and adventurous. If you want to realize your ambition, you must be strong and work hard. Eternal immortality, leaving an eternal story.
The voice of Chu Ci, Li Sao is a much-told story. This was written by Qu Yuan when he was in exile. The pain of national subjugation, the humiliation of exile. He deeply loved his motherland and people, but the shackles of reality once again imprisoned him. Between life and death, he "would rather throw himself into the river than die." I don't want to "observe and accept things with my own body." Mountains and rivers mourn with them, and heaven and earth weep with them. In his heart, there is his motherland.
You are an expedition, lighting the way with the motherland as the torch. You walk in the mountains, and you trudge in dangerous streams. Erhute Mongols, you are favored by heaven. Unity and unity is your national slogan, shining.
There is an old saying in the Chinese nation since ancient times, "Be brave, repay your grievances with virtue, and don't care about the rich and the poor." The strong voice of truth will never be erased in the thousand-year history of China.
Between ancient and modern times, the soul of China, the national strong voice. Become the endless spiritual torch of the Chinese nation. After thousands of years, with the voice of truth, patriotism, unity and forge ahead, it will be as immortal as running water.
Now, China * * * Production Party has been developing and growing since its establishment, and generate is on fire. The Long March of the Red Army, War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Liberation War in the past eight years, and the founding of 1949 New China, the Chinese nation is like a lion waking from a deep sleep. Start the five-year plan and have a strong industrial plan. But after ten years of turmoil, it was set on fire. With the reform and opening up, China has entered the fast lane of development. With the sustained economic growth, people's living standards have improved. The twists and turns show the strong voice of the national spirit. In the new era, the Chinese nation is firm and self-reliant.
The soul of the Millennium will surely play a strong national voice, and the Chinese nation will surely go through vicissitudes and be indomitable, and its fighting spirit will be more vigorous.