Grade point is a method to evaluate academic performance, which is commonly used in most universities in China: grade point = score/10-5, credit grade point = credit * grade point = credit * (score/10-5) (if the score is above 90, it will be calculated as 90).
Some schools adopt different calculation methods, namely, subsection grade point method, which emphasizes grading grade points according to scores.
As follows: 4-3 * (100-f) 2/1600. Average GPA: (course credits 1 * GPA+ course credits 2 * GPA+ course credits n* GPA)/ (course credits 1+ course credits 2+ course credits n).
If the GPA is 5, then reaching 4 is excellent. If the GPA is 4, then reaching 3.5 is considered excellent. In college, a score of 90 or above is excellent.
Generally speaking, if you score 60-69, your GPA is 1.0, 70-79 is 2.0, 80-89 is 3.0, and 90- 100 is 4.0. There are many courses in the university, and the final grade is the average grade point, which is between 1-2. Most subjects have just passed, and a few are 70 points. The average score is between 2 and 3, and most subjects are above 70 points.