General g code interpretation
G00: Positioning or Fast Moving
G0 1: linear interpolation
G02: Circular interpolation/spiral interpolation clockwise
G03: Circular interpolation/spiral interpolation counterclockwise
G04: residence time or delay time
For example: G04 X 1000 (or G04 X 1.0)
G04 P 1000 means stay 1 sec.
G09: Stop the inspection accurately or precisely (check whether it is within the target range)
G 10: programmable data input
G 17: select XPYP plane XP: X axis or its parallel axis.
G 18: select the y axis of YP:ZPXP plane or its parallel axis.
G 19: select the plane ZP:Z of YPZP: Z axis or its parallel axis.
G20: inch input
G20 1: mm input
G28: Return to the reference point for testing.
Format: G9 1/(G90) G28 X__ Y__ Z__
Return the reference point through the intermediate point X__ Y__ Z__ (absolute value/incremental value instruction)
G29: Return from Reference Point
G9 1/(G90) G29 X__ Y__ Z__
An instruction (absolute value/incremental value instruction) to return the target point X__ Y__ Z__ from the starting point through the reference point.
G30 returns to the second, third and fourth reference points.
g 9 1/(G90)G30 P2 X _ _ Y _ _ Z _ _; Return to the second reference point (P2 can be omitted. )
g 9 1/(G90)G30 P3 X _ _ Y _ _ Z _ _; Return to the third reference point
g 9 1/(G90)G30 P4 X _ _ Y _ _ Z _ _; Return to the fourth reference point
X__ Y__ Z__: Through the midpoint position (absolute value/incremental value instruction)