What time is the train from Yingkou to Shenyang North Station?
The whole train starts and ends, train type, departure time of the starting station, arrival time of the destination station, time-consuming distance, 630 1 time Yingkou Shenyang Puman Yingkou 05: 15 Shenyang 09: 10 3 hours and 55 minutes-km4,287 times Yingkou Changchun Pukuai Yingkou12. 8+04:40 2 hours and 28 minutes-km The whole journey starts, the whole journey ends, the train type starts, the departure time of the destination station takes time, the arrival time of the destination station takes time and distance 6302 times, Shenyang Yingkou Puman Shenyang 15:2 1 Yingkou 19:27 4 hours and 06 minutes-km, 4288 times, Changchun Yingkou Pukuai Shenyang/Kloc-.