If you visit this URL, you can see the content published by the local WEB server.
Because the set port is 8080, if you don't add the port number, the default is 80, but your tomcat is set to 8080, so 80 can't be opened because this port is not opened.
Method of modifying tomcat port number:
Modify the Server.xml file and change port 8080 to 80.
8080 is the default port number of Tomcat server.
We can change it by modifying the main configuration file server.xml in the conf directory of Tomcat server, and open the server.xml file with Notepad to find the following parts:?
& lt connector port = "8080" maxhttpheader size = "8192"
maxThreads = " 150 " minSpareThreads = " 25 " maxSpareThreads = " 75 "
enable lookups = " false " redirect port = " 8443 " accept count = " 100 " connection time out = " 20000 " disableuploadtime out = " true "/& gt; ?
Just change port="8080 "to a new port number, for example, change" 8080 "to" 9080 ".