How to make sports posters? PS Tutorial Creating Splash Fluid Art Sneaker Poster
How to make hand-painted posters for sports games and set up the overall layout: the posters for sports games should highlight the breath of sports, try to make the posters "move" and the colors should be eye-catching. Try to be concise and clear, don't add too many things, it's too complicated. Design the title of the sports meeting: generally, the first sports meeting of a university in a certain year should be stated, and it is best to add the school emblem next to the title. Write the theme of the sports meeting well, or it can be the slogan of the sports meeting. Indicate the time, place and organizer of the sports meeting. These important information should be written clearly and accurately. Design the background of the poster. The big background of the poster should be dominated by sports elements and the colors should be bright. You can use the lines of simple little people running or playing ball as the background to highlight the sports atmosphere. At the bottom of the poster, you can simply add some pictures of school landmark buildings, and choose according to the specific situation. The final effect of PS's poster tutorial on creating splashing fluid art sports shoes is 1. Open the shoe material below, dig out the shoes with the pen tool, copy them to a new layer, and fill the background with white. 2. Open the texture material below, drag it in and put it under the cut shoes as the background. 3. Select the background texture layer and set the layer blending mode to "Overlay". At this time, the background will turn completely white. In addition, I am worried about realizing "layer-layer style-color superposition", so I set the color # #B5B5B5, and finally set the transparency to about 30%, as shown in the figure. In addition, if you feel that the background texture details are lost too much, you can use "Filter-Sharpen-Sharpen" to enhance the texture details. When adding a color overlay layer style, reduce the opacity of the texture layer to about 30%. 4. Select the texture background layer and press Ctrl+J to copy the layer. Since the blending mode of the original texture background layer is "overlay", we should set the copy layer to "normal". Then press Ctrl+T to transform freely and reduce its height, as shown in the figure. 5. Next, use the Deepen tool and the Dim tool to smear and create some light and shade effects. Here I especially darkened the lower corner and lit up the middle position. 6. When we come here, we can see that there is a very obvious edge between the two texture layers. At this time, we can use the eraser tool (soft corner brush, hardness is 0) to eliminate this edge and let the two layers transition naturally. 7. In order to highlight the shoes, I added lighting effects. Create a new layer on the layer with a textured background, and then add a lighting effect in the middle with a large white soft corner brush, as shown in the figure. 8. Next, we will start to synthesize dye materials of various colors into shoes to make them look like they have melted into dyes. In order to achieve this effect, we need to determine what color dye to use. Because the main colors of shoes are white, dark red and gray, we can click on different parts of shoes with the straw tool to choose the color that matches the shoes. 9. First, you need to download the dye materials. Then choose the appropriate dye material to open in photoshop, and use the magic wand tool to dig out the dye and paste it on the shoe layer, as shown in the figure. 10, press Ctrl+T to enter the state of free transformation, adjust the size, shape and position of the dye and put it on the sole, as shown in the figure. 1 1. Next, we need to adjust the color of the sole dye. Execute Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map, click OK in the new layer dialog box that pops up, and then the gradient map dialog box pops up. Click the gradient ribbon in the dialog box to open the gradient editor setting reference figure below. Sets the gradient from the color #e9c603 to #f3df7 1. 12. If the color of the dye is too bright or too dark, you can create a curve tone layer (layer-create a new adjustment layer-curve) and adjust the curve of the dye, as shown in the figure. 13. Finally, use the eraser tool to remove a small part protruding from the right side of the dye to make it look integrated with the shoes, as shown in the figure. 14. According to the previous method, dark red, gray and white dyes were synthesized on shoes, as shown in the figure. 15. For the dark red dye, I used the red dye material in the dye material package, and added a "curve" adjustment layer to darken its color, as shown in the figure. 16, gray dye, I used a brightness/contrast adjustment layer with brightness of 70 and a gradient map adjustment layer with colors of #525252 to #e6e6e6, as shown in the figure. 17. Create a new layer under the shoe layer, and we will add the shadow effect of the sole to this layer. Use the soft angle black brush tool to draw some shadows on the sole, and then adjust the opacity of the layer. When you make multiple shadows, it is suggested that you create different stratums to make them look more realistic, so that you can better control the depth of shadows, as shown in the figure. The final effect: ps art knowledge, making creative poster tutorial of dynamic paint splashing sports shoes. The poster of dynamic green splash paint sports shoes made by PS can be used in some products, and it is still worth learning in design. Students can learn through tutorials. I believe I can do better through the tutorial. In Taobao Artists, there are many designs that need creativity. According to the tutorial, you can try to make them. I believe that the works made are more amazing and have a sense of design. Rendering: operation steps: 1. Create a new document with PS, with the size of 1920x 1080px. Looking for materials for shoes online, you can find different types of shoes according to your own preferences. I won't explain how to dig out the main body of the shoe from the material and put it in the middle of the canvas. 2. Create a new blank layer, select the gradient tool (G), click the gradient color edit box in the upper left corner, and select the gradient. Because you don't use the gradient option that comes with PS, you can't choose it directly, but you can adjust the colors at both ends of the gradient yourself to achieve the same effect. This gradient is actually a transition from silver to dark gray. On the gradient bar: silver on the left and dark gray on the right. 3. After adjusting the gradient, click OK to close the window. Select the gradient mode as: radial gradient. As shown in Figure 2, the gradient is drawn from the lower right corner of the middle image of the canvas, and the result is shown in Figure 3. 4. Select the shoe layer, Ctrl+J copy a layer, hide the shoe layer, and select the copy to modify. Select the pen tool (P), draw along the boundary line between the upper and the sole, and circle down the entire sole. As shown in the following figure: 5. Right-click and choose Create Selection with Feather Radius of 0. 6.Ctrl+J copies a part of the selection to a new layer, such as hiding other layers. The result is as follows: 7. Press Ctr| and move the mouse to the sole layer. When the mouse changes to the layer shown below, click the thumbnail of the layer with the left key, and only the sole is selected. Select the shoe layer and press the Delete key to delete the sole in the selected area, leaving the upper and hiding other layers, as shown in the following figure:. Here we have two layers of uppers and soles. First select the bottom layer of the shoe, freely transform CtrI+T, and then click the right mouse button > Deformation. After the grid appears, deform the sole as shown in Figure 2 below, so that the right side of the sole moves down slightly. 9. Then do the same for the upper layer, except that the upper layer moves up. 10. Import green paint splash material. After the material needs to be cut, only the splash of paint is left. After importing, Ctrl+T zooms in and out and moves to the upper part, as shown in Figure 2. 1 1. Select the upper layer to create a layer mask. Use the brush tool (b), brush: soft edge circle, foreground color: black, and erase the heel of the right pigment on the mask. As shown below: 12. Then select the green paint layer, add layer mask, and use the same brush as in the previous step to erase the paint on the left. As shown in the following figure: _ _ (If you rub it too much, you can change the foreground color to white and rub it back) 13. Next, in order to make the paint surface and vamp more natural, open the brush panel and check the transfer option to reduce the brush from continuing to erase at the seams. As shown in Figure 2 below: 14. Next, replace it with a round brush with a hard edge, and find out a little leaked upper from the bottom of the paint surface, as shown in Figure 2 below: 15. Import the brown paint material, zoom in and out with Ctrl+T, and then move to the position shown in Figure 2 below. 16. Same as the previous steps, select the brown paint layer, add layer mask, and delete some unnecessary parts of the edge. 17. Select the sole layer, add layer mask, and erase the right sole part. 18. Then go back to the brown paint layer, select the mask, use the brush: soft edge ring, check Transfer, and erase part of the left paint to expose the green part of the sole. As shown below. 19. Select the rectangular box selection tool (M), select the two splash boxes at the lower right of the green paint, then ctrl+T enters the free transformation state, and finally right-click > Transform, and transform to the right, as shown in Figure 3 below: 20. Choose all four layers: upper, sole, green paint and brown paint. Ctrl+T freely transforms, shrinks the whole, rotates to the right to flatten, and moves to the center of the canvas. 2 1. Let's make a projection of the shoes. Create a new layer, select the Ellipse Tool (U), draw an ellipse filled with black under the shoes, use ctrl+J to copy one, and hide the copy. As shown in the following figure: 22. Select the ellipse below and click Filter >; Fuzzy >; Gaussian blur, where the radius is 14. 1px, and the opacity of the layer is changed to 19%. The effect is as follows. 23. Select the ellipse at the top, press Ctrl+T to shrink the ellipse inward, and click Filter >; Fuzzy >; Gaussian blur, radius: 5.5px, layer opacity changed to 3%. The result is as shown in the figure: 24. Finally, select the background layer and create a new adjustment layer: hue/saturation. Check the color and adjust the hue: 187 and saturation: 25. (The data is for reference only) The final effect: a shoe with a sense of design and the texture of milk can be used as a reference for product design, and I believe students can do better.