Matters needing attention in installation and configuration of DUBBO
Management end:
Remember to change the port number of TOMCAT, otherwise it will conflict with the 8080 of the monitor (how to deploy it on the same machine) file
dubbo . registry . address = zookeeper://x . x . x . x:2 18 1
Dubbo.admin.root.password= user
Dubbo.admin.guest.password= password
Monitoring end: file
dubbo . application . name = simple-monitor
# dubbo. registry. address = Multicast: // 1234
# dubbo . registry . address = zookeeper:// 127 . 0 . 0 . 1:2 18 1
# dubbo . registry . address = redis:// 127 . 0 . 0 . 1:6379
# dubbo . registry . address = dubbo:// 127 . 0 . 0 . 1:9090
dubbo . registry . address = zookeeper://x . x . x . x:2 18 1
dubbo . jetty . directory = $ { user . home }/monitor
dubbo . charts . directory = $ { dubbo . jetty . directory }/charts
dubbo . statistics . directory = $ { user . home }/monitor/statistics
dubbo . log4j . file = logs/dubbo-monitor-simple . log
During the installation process, Jiao Xiao encountered a monster problem, that is, the monitoring terminal may only be started in JDK 1.8 or above. When starting on JDK 1.7, it is always said that the monitoring process has started and then stopped.
I'll just annotate the relevant SHELL directly. .
I don't know if it's right. .
If[-z "$ server name"]; then
Server _ name = `hostname` fi # pids = `ps-f | grep Java | grep "$ conf _ directory" |awk '{print $2}''
# if[-n " $ PIDS "]; then
# echo "Error: $SERVER_NAME has been started!"
# echo "PID: $PIDS "
# 65438 Exit +0
# fiif[-n " $ SERVER _ PORT "]; then
SERVER _ PORT _ COUNT = ` netstat-tln | grep $ SERVER _ PORT | WC-l ` if[$ SERVER _ PORT _ COUNT-gt 0]; then
Echo "Error: $SERVER_NAME port $SERVER_PORT has been used!"