When using QQ mailbox service, the port of smtp can only be set to 587, and SSL protocol is not required. If checked, an exception will be reported:
Javax. net. ssl. SSL exception: Unrecognized SSL message.
Log in to QQ mailbox and open "IMAP/SMTP service" in Settings-Account, and the following pop-up box will appear:
After sending the SMS, the authorization box will appear:
The password filled in smtp Basic Settings 4 above is the authorization code.
The default text content is transferred from: blogs.com/wanglle/p/12899896.html. 。
If the smtp port is set to 465, there will be an error when sending the test mail, and it needs to be changed to 587.
Error when filling in port 465: javax.mail.messaging exception: SMTP host: smtp.qq.com, port: 465, response:-1, unable to check "Use SSL protocol".