In fact, there are too many rules for the emperor to eat, and the emperor has a set of procedures that must be followed. When the emperor was about to eat, between the palace province and the Jiaming Hall where the emperor ate, the guards were tight and no idle people were allowed to pass by. A man from Temple Province first shouted, "Allocate food!" After the emperor's dishes are served, it is necessary to test whether the food is poisonous with silver products, and then it is necessary to "taste the food" by a special person to make sure that there is no problem before the emperor can eat it. A hearty meal is a kind of enjoyment, but the emperor doesn't enjoy it, that is, no matter how many dishes are on the table, he can't eat the one he likes, that is, he can't eat the same dish and move chopsticks three times.
In a word, there are really too many rules for the emperor to eat, not only the time of eating or the food he eats, but also who he eats with. The emperor's diet rules were made by his ancestors. Ministers will dissuade us if we want to change them. Don't always think that the food on the emperor's table is delicious. In fact, in ancient times, it was so exquisite. The emperor should not be too comfortable.