German political exiles, workers and craftsmen living in France established an international secret revolutionary organization in Paris on 1836. * * * The predecessor of the producers' union. 1833, German workers in Paris established the first secret organization with democratic tendencies-People's Alliance.
On this basis, 1834 established the exile alliance, and its members grew to several hundred. 1836, some radical members of the exile alliance split to form a right-wing alliance, with the aim of establishing a new society of public property through the conspiracy of a few people.
The basic categories of ethics and politics. In ethics, it usually refers to what people should do according to certain moral standards, and also refers to a moral evaluation, that is, justice. The word "righteousness" was first seen in Xunzi in China: "There is no learning and no righteousness, and wealth and benefit the people are laity." The concept of justice sprouted from the original concept of equality and formed in the society after the emergence of private property.
People in different societies or classes have different interpretations of "justice": Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, believes that what people should do according to their own level is justice; Christian ethicists believe that it is just that the body should obey the soul. Generally speaking, most people think that fairness is justice. Simply put, the same people treat each other the same.
Marx's viewpoint
According to Marx, justice belongs to the moral category, so it belongs to the superstructure field. It is a manifestation of the sanctification of existing economic relations, and its nature and content depend on the material basis of a certain society. At the same time, justice is a historical category that varies from time to time, from place to place and from person to person. It is historical, concrete and relative, and there is no eternal justice. Justice is a concept that combines inevitability and reality.
Marx set the ultimate concern of justice as the realization of people's free and all-round development. Marx believes that the real justice of human society is to overthrow the capitalist system through the proletarian revolution, establish a capitalist society, overcome the paradox of freedom and equality, pursue the complete liberation of all mankind, and realize the justice of the free association.