In 1970s and 1980s, a series of large-scale trade unions were established in economically developed areas along the eastern coast of Australia with reference to the British trade union model. On the basis of the trade union movement, 1879 held the first meeting of trade union representatives in colonial areas, which started the new trend of the Australian workers' movement towards unification. Such representative meetings were held in 1884 and 1885 respectively. These two meetings not only discussed the issue of union union, but also determined the principle of union and formulated a joint plan.
As trade unions fought for the vital interests of the working class, trade union organizations expanded rapidly in the 1980s, and gradually expanded to unskilled workers. From 1886 to 1890, semi-skilled and unskilled workers' unions, especially mining and farming and animal husbandry workers' unions, were widely established, and these unions were called new unions. 1888, the fifth interregional representative meeting of Australian colonies passed a plan to establish an all-Australian trade union Federation. 1890, the Australian Workers' Federation was formally established, and the working classes of the six colonies finally United.
On the basis of the trade union movement and the workers' strike struggle, all colonies established labor parties. 189 1 In April, the seventh interregional workers' representative meeting was held in Australia, and it was decided to organize workers' political parties among all Australian workers to directly participate in the political life of the colonies and formulated a political program.
The Labour Party is the first political party in Australian history, and its members are mainly workers, including some petty bourgeoisie elements. The organizational program of the Labour Party is different in each colony. Shortly after the establishment of the Labor Party, it won a great victory in their respective colonial elections. For example, after the establishment of the New South Wales Labor Party, it won 36 seats in the general election of 189 1 and became the main political party in New South Wales.