Delete device configuration
Reset the saved configuration
View the current configuration file
Display the current configuration
Change the device name
Save configuration
Enter privileged mode
System view
Huawei only has a two-tier model, unlike Cisco enale, which needs conf t.
Define acl
After ACL nuberexxxx (above 3000) enters,
Rules allow/deny IP/TCP/UDP, etc. (reverse) (reverse) eq
Note that Huawei has not denied any breach of contract.
Port loading ACL on firewall
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/0] firewall packet filter 3000 inbound
Newly added users on the firewall
Local user XXX (username) password is simple XXX (password)
Local user XXX service type ppp
Revocation (similar to Cisco's No)
Static routing
Ip routing-static 0.0 XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX
Interface for setting acl for vpdn users.
Interface virtual template 1
View routing table
Show ip routing table
Set telnet password
User interface vty 0 4
User privilege level 3
Setting the verification password is simple XXX
Start unlocking
Dynamic nat settings
Acl number 3000
Rule 0 allows ip source XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX
Rule 1 allows ip source XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX
Rule 2 allows ip source XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX
Interface Ethernet 1/0
Description = = = = Internet (wide area network) = = = =
Nat outbound 3000
Ipsec policy policy 1
Using acl allows IP addresses that meet acl to go out (note that ACL here implicitly denies anything), while IP addresses that do not meet ACL cannot go out.
Create vlan
[shz b-crsw-s 6506- 1] Virtual LAN 100
Huawei vlan does not support names.
Put the port into vlan.
Enter vlan mode after creating vlan.
[shzb-crsw-s6506-1-VLAN100] Port Gigabit Ethernet1/01to Gigabit Ethernet10/8.
Said from G 1/0/ 1 to 1/8 to VLAN 100.
Create backbone
Interface Gigabit Ethernet1/01
full duplex
Speed 1000
Port link relay
Port trunking allows vlan ownership
Port Link Aggregation Group 1
Statements marked with * are statements that create trunk links.
Vlan address assignment
Interface Vlan- Interface 2
Description server
Vrpvrid2 virtual ip XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX
Vrpvrid2 priority 120
Vrpvrid2 preemption mode timer delay 10
Where the vrrp statement specifies that vrrp is similar to hsrp.
It should be noted that Huawei does not support pvst when using vrrp.
There is only one full master and one full backup.
Specify on the primary vrrp device
Root primary server for stp instance 0
STP TC- protection enabled
Stp enable
Specify on the slave vrrp device
Stp instance 0 root auxiliary
STP TC- protection enabled
Stp enable
Connect acl under the switch.
First, enter the interface mode and enter the qos command.
[shz b-crsw-s 6506- 1- gigabit Ethernet 1/0/ 1]qos
Enter the following command.
[shzb-crsw-s6506-1-Qoss-gigabit Ethernet11] packet filter inbound ip group 3000.
Huawei switches can only specify the inbound direction.
Enable ospf
[shz b-crsw-s 6506- 1]OSPF 100
Region 0
[shzb-crsw-s6506-1-OSPF-100-area-0.0.0] network XXX. XXX.XXX.XXX XXX。 XXX.XXX.XXX
Configure ospf republishing
[shzb-crsw-s6506-1-OSPF-100-area-0.0.0] exit.
[shzb-crsw-s6506-1-OSPF-100] Import-Routing Static
Establish a link group (similar to Cisco's channel group)
Link Aggregation Group 1 Mode Manual
Then enter the interface.
Port Link Aggregation Group 1
You must enter before enabling VRRP.
Vrpping enabled
Enables customers to ping the gateway.
Huawei Huawei router switch configuration command daquan
A, computer commands
PCAlogin: root; Use root user
Password: linux password is linux.
# shut down-hnow; Turn off the appliances
# init 0; Turn off the appliances
# Logout; User logout
# Login; User login
# ifconfig displays the IP address
#ifconfig eth0 netmask; Set IP address
#ifconfig eht0 Netmask is closed; Disable IP address
# Add GW to the route; Set the gateway
# route del 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 GW; Delete gateway
#route Add default GW; Set the gateway
#route del default GW; Delete gateway
# Route; Display gateway
# ping sends an echo packet
# telnet remote login
Second, Huawei router switch configuration command: switch command
[Quidditch] dis cur displays the current configuration.
[Quidditch] Displays the current-configuration; Display the current configuration
[Quidditch] Display interface; Display interface information
[Quidditch] Display vlan Display vlan information
[Quidditch] display version; Display version information
[Quidditch] Super password; Modify privileged user password
[Quidditch] The name of the sysname switch
[Quidway] interface ethernet0/1; Enter the interface view
[Quidditch] Interface VLAN x;; Enter the interface view
【 Quidway-Vlan-interfacex】IP address10.65.1.1255.255.0.0; Configure the IP address of the VLAN.
[Quidditch] Ip routing-static; Static route = gateway
[quidditch] ripRip protocol
[Quidway] local user ftp
[Quidditch] User interface vty04; Enter the virtual terminal
[s 3026-ui-vt y0-4] authentication mode password; Set password mode
[s 3026-ui-vt y0-4] Setting the authentication mode password is simple 222; Set password
[s 3026-ui-vt y0-4] User authority level 3; User level
[Quidway] interface ethernet0/1; Enter port mode
[Quidditch] Inte0/1; Enter port mode
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] duplex {half duplex | full duplex | automatic}; Configure port working status
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] speed {10 |100 | auto}; Configure port working rate
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] flow control; Configure port flow control
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1]MDI { cross | auto | normal }; Configure port butt joints and torsion joints.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1]port link-type { trunk | access | hybrid }; Set the port working mode
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] port is connected to VLAN 3;; The current port is added to the VLAN.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/2] Port trunking allows VLAN {ID | All };; Set VLAN allowed for trunking.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/3] Port trunk pvid VLAN 3;; Set the PVID of the trunk port.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] cancels the shutdown; Activation port
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/ 1] shutdown; Close the port
[Quit-ethernet0/1]; return
[Quidditch] vlan3 creates VLAN
[Quidway-vlan3] Port Ethernet0/1; Add port in VLAN
[Quidway-vlan3] Port E0/1; short form
【 Quidway-vlan3 】 Port ethernet0/ 1 to Ethernet0/4; Add port in VLAN
【 Quidway-vlan3 】 Ports e0/ 1 to E0/4; short form
[Quidditch] Monitor-port; Specify the mirror port
[Quidditch] Hong Kong Mirror; Specify the mirror port.
[Quidway] port mirroring int_list observation-port int _ type int _ num specifies mirroring and being mirrored.
[Quidditch] Description string; Specify VLAN description characters
[Quidditch] Description; Delete VLAN description characters
[Quidway] displays VLAN [VLAN _ id]; View VLAN settings
[Quidway]STP { enable | disable }; Sets the spanning tree that is turned off by default.
[Quidditch] stp takes priority 4096; Set the priority of the switch
[Quidway]STP root { primary | secondary }; Set as root or backup of root
[quidway-ethernet0/1] STP costs 200; Set the cost of the switch port.
[Quidditch] Link aggregation e0/ 1 to e0/4 entrance | both; ethernet channel
[Quidditch] Cancel link aggregation E0/1| all; The starting port is the channel number.
[switch a-VLAN x]isolate-user-VLAN enable; Set the primary vlan
[switch a]isolate-user-VLAN secondary; Set the sub-vlan contained in the main vlan.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/2] port mixed pvid vlan sets the pvid of vlan.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/2] Port mixed pvid Delete the pvid of vlan.
[Quidway-Ethernet 0/2] port mixed vlan vlan_id_list is not marked; Set an unlabeled vlan.
If the vlanid of the packet is consistent with the PVId, the vlan information will be deleted. The default PVID= 1.
Therefore, the PVID is set to vlanid, and the interworking vlan is set to unmarked.
3. Huawei router switch configuration command: router command
[Quidditch] display version; Display version information
[Quidditch] Displays the current-configuration; Display the current configuration
[Quidditch] Display interface; Display interface information
[Quidditch] Displays ip routing; Show routing information
[Quidditch] sysname aabbcc Change the host name
[Quidditch] Super Password123456; Set password
[Quidditch] Interface serial0 Access Interface
[Quidway-serial0]ip address; Configure port IP address
[Quidway-serial 0] Cancel shutdown; Activation port
Link protocol hdlc binding hdlc protocol
[Quidway] user interface vty 0 4
[Quidway-ui-vt y0-4] authentication mode password
[Quidway-ui-vt y0-4] Setting Simple Authentication Mode Password 222
[Quidway-ui-vt y0-4] User permission level 3
[Quidway-ui-vt y0-4] exit
[Quidway] Debug hdlc all serial0 to display all information.
[Quidway] Debugging hdlc Event serial0 Debugging Event Information
[Quidway] Debugging hdlc package serial0 to display packaging information.
Fourth, Huawei router switch configuration command: static routing:
[Quidway]ip Routing-Static {interface number | next hop }[ Value] [Reject | Black Hole]
For example: Quidditch IP routing-static129.1.0.01610.0.2.
[Quidditch ]ip routing-static129.1.0.0
[Quidditch ]ip Routing-Static129.1.0.016 Serial 2
[Quidway]ip routing-static
5. Huawei router switch configuration command: dynamic routing:
[Quidditch] rip sets up dynamic routing
[Quidditch] rip work; Set work permissions
[Quidditch] ri pinput Set Access Permission
[Quidditch] rip output; Set exit permissions
[Quidditch -rip] Network1.0.0.0; Establish a switched routing network
[Quidditch -rip] is owned by the network; Set up switching with all networks
[Quidway-rip] peer ip address;
[Quidditch -rip] Summary; Routing aggregation
[Quidditch] rip version1; The setting is valid in 1 version.
[Quidditch] rip version 2 multicast; Set version 2, multicast mode
[Quidway-Ethernet0]rip split horizontally; Horizontal offset slip distance
[Quidditch] Router ID A.B.C.D; Configure the ID of the router.
[Quidway]OSPF enable; Start OSPF protocol
[Quidway-OSPF]import-routed direct; Introduce direct routing
[Quidway-Serial0]ospf enabled area; Configure OSPF area
6. Huawei router switch configuration command: The standard access list command format is as follows:
ACL[match-order config | auto]; By default, the previous order matches.
Rule [normal | special] {permit | deny} [source source-addrsource-wildcard |any]
Example: [Quidditch ]acl 10
[Quidway-ACL- 10] Rule Normal License Source10.
[Quidway-ACL- 10] Rule normally denies any source.
Seven. Huawei Router Switch Configuration Command: Extended Access Control List Configuration Command
Configure the extended access list of TCP/UDP protocol:
Rule {Normal | Special} {Allow | Deny} {tcp | udp} Source {| Any} Destination | Any}
Configure the extended access list of ICMP protocol:
Rule {Normal | Special} {Allow | Deny} icmp Source {| Any] Destination {| Any]
[icmp code] [logging]
Eight. Huawei Router Switch Configuration Command: Meaning of Extended Access Control List Operator
Equalport port number; be qualified for sth
Greater than the port number; Bigger than ...
Less than port number; absent
Unequal port numbers; different
Range port number 1 port number 2; Interval/section
9. Huawei Router Switch Configuration Command: Example of Extended Access Control List
[Quidditch ]acl 10 1
[quidway-ACL-101] rule denies any destination.
The [quidway-ACL-101] rule allows any icmp type response from any target of icmp source.
The [Quidway-ACL-101] rule allows any icmp-type reply from any target of icmp source.
[Quidditch ]acl 102
[Quidway-ACL- 102] Rules allow ip source10. destination
[Quidway-ACL- 102] rule denies any ip source any target any.
[Quidditch ]acl 103
[Quidway-ACL- 103] The rule allows any destination port of tcp source10. to be equal to ftp.
[Quidway-ACL- 103] rule allows any destination port of tcp source10.0.2 0.0.0 to be equal to www.
[Quidway] Firewall enabled
[Quidway] Firewall Default Allow | Deny
[Quidditch ]int e0
[Quidway-Ethernet 0] firewall packet filtering 10 1 inbound | outbound
X Huawei router switch configuration command: address translation configuration example
[Quidway] Firewall enabled
[Quidway] firewall default license
[Quidditch] ACL101; The internal designated host can enter e0.
[quidway-ACL-101] rule denies any ip source any target.
[quidway-ACL-101] rule allows ip source129.38.10 destination any.
The [quidway-ACL-101] rule allows any ip source 129.38. 1.20 target.
The [quidway-ACL-101] rule allows any ip source 129.38. 1.30 target.
The [quidway-ACL-101] rule allows any ip source 129.38. 1.40 target.
[quidway-ACL-101] exit.
[Quidditch ]int e0
[Quidway-Ethernet 0] firewall packet filtering 10 1 inbound
[Quidditch] ACL102; Allow packets from specific external hosts and ports larger than 1024 to enter S0.
[Quidway-ACL- 102] rule denies any ip source any target any.
[Quidway-ACL- 102] Rules allow tcp source destination 202.38. 160. 10.
[Quidway-ACL- 102] rules allow any destination port of tcp source to be greater than 1024.
[Quidway-ACL- 102] Exit
[Quidditch ]int s0
[Quidway-serial 0] firewall packet filtering 102 inbound; Let 202.38. 160. 1 be the router exit IP.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat outbound 10 1 interface; Easyip, when the ip allowed by acl 10 1 exits this interface, it will change the source address.
XI。 Huawei router switch configuration command: internal server address translation configuration command (static nat):
NAT server global[port]inside bus[protocol]; Use inside_port when global_port is not written.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global 202.38. 160. 1 internal 129. 38. 1 FTP TCP.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global 202.38. 160. 1 internal129.38.1.2 telnet TCP.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global 202.38. 160. 1 internal 129.38. 1.3 www tcp.
Public network IP: 202.38.103 can be used. ; Foreign Visit (Original Example)
[Quidditch] nat address-group; Establish address pool
[Quidditch ]acl 1
[Quidway-ACL- 1] Rule permission source10.; Specify the allowed internal network.
[Quidway-ACL- 1] rule denies any source.
[Quidway-ACL- 1]int serial 0
[quidway-serial0] natoutbound1address-group pool1; Take IP from the address pool of s0 port for external access.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global 202.38. 160. 102 internal10.10.2 www TCP.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global internal/kloc-0.10.3 www TCP.
[Quidway-Serial0]nat server global 202.38. 160. 103 internal10.10.4 SMTP UDP.
Huawei router switch configuration command: PPP setting: [quidway-s0] link-protocol PP; Default protocol
12. Huawei router switch configuration command: PPP verification:
Main prescription: Pap |chap
[Quidway]local-userq 2 password { simple | cipher } hello; Router 1
[Quidway] interface serial0
[Quidway-serial0]ppp authentication mode {pap|chap}
[Quidway-serial0]ppp chap user q1; Pap, there is no such sentence.
Thirteen. Huawei routing switch configuration command: pap Testee:
[Quidditch] Interface serial0 Router 2
[Quidway-serial0]ppp pap local user q2 password {simple | cipher} Hello.
Fourteen Huawei router switch configuration command: chap Testee:
[Quidditch] Interface serial0 Router 2
[Quidway-serial0]ppp chap user Q2; Name of your own router
[Quidway-serial 0]local-user q 1 password { simple | cipher } hello; Opposite router name
Frame Relay Frame Relay (Volume 6 -6 1)
[q 1]fr switch
[q 1]int s 1
[q 1-Serial 1]ip address192.168.34.51255.255.0.
[q 1-serial 1] link protocol fr; Encapsulated frame relay protocol
[q 1-Serial 1]fr interface dce type
[q 1- serial number 1]fr dlci 100
[q 1-serial 1]fr inarp
[q 1-serial 1]frmapip 192. 168.34 . 52 DLCI 100
[q2]int s 1
[q2-Serial 1]ip address192.168.34.52 255.255.0
[Q2-serial 1] link protocol fr
[q2-Serial 1]fr interface dte type
[Q2-serial 1]f rdlci 100
[q2-Serial 1]fr inarp
[Q2-serial 1]fr mapip 192. 168.34 . 5 1 DLCI 100
Twenty-five Huawei Router Switch Configuration Command: Frame Relay Monitoring
[q 1]displayfrlmi-info[]interface type number]
[q 1] displays frmap.
[q 1] displays fr PVC-info[ serial interface number ][dlcidlci- number].
[q 1] displays the fr dlci switch.
[q 1] displays the fr interface.
[q 1] Reset fr inarp information
[q 1] debug fr all[ interface type number]
[q 1] debugging fr ARP[ interface type number]
[q 1] Debugging fr Event [Interface Type Number]
[q 1] debug fr LMI[ interface type number]
16. Huawei router switch configuration command: Start ftp service:
[Quidway] local user ftp password {simple|cipher}aaa service type ftp
[Quidway]ftp server enabled
Copyright statement: This article is the original article of CSDN blogger "Formocon", which follows the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this statement.
Original link: /Zhang kang 65/ article/details/101533315
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Huawei Router Common Commands _Doflamingozzz's Blog _ Huawei Router ...
[Liu Fei-Rip] Summary; Routing aggregation [Liu Fei ]rip version1; Set to work in version 1[ Liu Fei] RIP version 2 multicast; Set version 2, multicast mode [Liu Fei-Ethernet 0] ripsplit-horizon; Horizontal separation [Liu Fei] router ID A.B.C.D; Configure the ID of the router. ...
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Configure static route: IP route-static1.1.32192.168.1Configure default route: IP route-static 68. 10. 1 View interface details: dis interface description and source ip ping destination IP: ping-a, ...
The most comprehensive set of Huawei router switch configuration commands in history (hard work). document
The most comprehensive Huawei router switch configuration command set in history (hard work), and the most comprehensive Huawei router switch configuration command set in history (hard work)
The pdf version of Huawei Command Manual is the most complete.
Huawei Switch Command Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive Huawei equipment command manual, which collects all the configuration commands of Huawei switches and routers, and comes with tutorials to help you better understand Huawei equipment. It is a necessity for learning and using Huawei equipment, and I hope it will help you.
Huawei) The latest instruction of USG series firewall is released.
I collected the cli instructions about usg series firewalls.
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Huawei router command daquan
Huawei router commands to delete the device configuration, reset and save-configure and restart. View the current configuration file to display the current configuration, change the device name sysname, save the configuration, and enter privileged mode sysview. Huawei has only two-tier mode, unlike cisco enale, which needs to define ACL ACL number XXXX (3 ...
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Basic commands of 1. router 1, direct routing command 2, static routing command 3 and default routing command 2. Configuration method of router 1, configuration of r 1 ※ Configure direct route A. First, configure the gateway IP of the router in the development department as 192.5438+068.6438+0.254. The configuration command is as follows: b. Configure the IP of router f0/ 1 port to192.168.2.1,and open the interface. The configuration command is as follows: ※ Configure the default route Configure the default route of the router as 192. 168.2.2. ...
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Common commands for configuring Huawei routers
All commands in this experiment are based on Huawei simulator eNSP. First, we drag a router from the left to the main interface, and then right-click to start the router. After the router is started, we can operate the command line. Before entering the command, we need to know the configuration of two modes: 1. User mode. Pay attention to the position of the red box mark. When the user name is enclosed in angle brackets, it is user mode, which is also the mode when the device just logs in and enters the device. 2. Pay attention to the position marked by the red box in system mode. When the user name is enclosed in parentheses, this is user mode. In user mode, you can enter by the command "System-View". 3. Common commands are due to
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System-view enters system view 0/0/0, and switches the port of web login to 0/0/0. Cancel nat alg pptp en Close pptp service NAT ALG PPTP EN Open PPTP service dis int gi 0/0/ 1 View the current traffic usage of the route. Huawei router common command [quidway】DISCUR;; Show current configuration [Q
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Huawei Router Configuration Manual (New Edition)
Typical scenario deployment guidance basic configuration system management network reliability interface and link LAN and MAN access WAN access IP services IP routing IP multicast MPLS network segment routing VPM QoS security system monitoring user access MAT and IPv6 transition technology virtual cluster value-added services security reinforcement security maintenance typical scenario pre-deployment configuration guidance scenario description initial configuration basic network construction in addition to service deployment clock reliability, In addition to the performance test in statistics and QoS security process, the basic configuration of the first-time login system overview of the first-time login system establishes a physical connection by logging in to the device through the console port, and logs in to the device command line. Use the command line to summarize the configuration precautions supported by the command line, build the command line running environment, configure the user login warning information, and configure the device name. Figure Set command-level locking user interface to allow execution of user-view commands in system view How to use command line to enter command view Edit command line query configuration information query diagnosis information Command line results display command line error information Command line alias Command line intelligent retreat How to get command help The above is a preview of some directories.
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Huawei router switch configuration command: computer command PCA login: root; ; Use root password: linux;; The password is Linux shutdown-hnow; ; Close init0;; Close the logout; ; The user logs out of the login; ; User logs in ifconfig;; Display IP address ifconfigeth0netmask;; Set the IP address ifconfigeht0netmask. ...
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Huawei Router Basic Configuration Command
Check the mac address of the interface: dis int g0/0/ 1 View interface information (incoming interface): DIS Ben View routing table: dis ip routing table View all interface ip information: dis ip int b Bind Static ARP: ARP static192.168.100.2000. Table: Displays the current configuration of arp view: dis current-configuration configures static route: IP route-static1.1.32192.168.1configures default route: ip ro.
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Huawei router command
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