2. The flushing mode of the flush toilet is relatively simple and rude, and the toilet is not easy to block or return water in the later use. You can also put your hand into the sewer and touch it to see if it is glazed. If it is not glazed, it is very likely that it will not play a deodorizing role in later use. You can't just listen to the merchant's words when buying.
4. The location of toilet water storage is called water seal. According to the relevant regulations, the height of the standard water seal is 50 mm, and the water seal of some high-end brands is generally around 55-60mm, so you need to observe it carefully when buying.
Siphon toilets sell well in the market. However, due to the high direction of the pipeline, water is wasted during flushing, generally about 8-9 liters. Therefore, it is the key to choose a toilet with water-saving function as far as possible, and the flushing amount should not exceed 6 liters at a time.