2. Avoid frequently inquiring about credit information. If an applicant submits a loan application to a number of online lending institutions at the same time, or submits a loan application on the same online lending platform several times in a short period of time, it may lead to frequent inquiries of personal credit reports. It is recommended not to change the loan platform frequently.
3. Be cautious when providing loan guarantee for others. Doing loan guarantee for others will also affect your own approval of loans. When you vouch for others, you must be careful. You must decide according to your ability. Never exceed your ability, and never use your own real estate and other necessities as collateral.
4. There is a stable bank flow. Prove your repayment ability with stable running water, save more and take less, that is, the deposit amount is greater than the withdrawal amount, and the personal account must have a certain balance every month.
5. Reasonably borrow and reduce debts. Loans, credit cards, flowers, etc. All kinds of lending institutions from users constitute personal liabilities, and lending institutions will judge the repayment ability. It is suggested to borrow cautiously and rationally, not to be over-indebted, and try to avoid overdue repayment.