Zabbix server does not listen on port 1005 1. How to solve it?
ZabbixServer needs to run on CentOS, RedHatLinux, Debain and other Linux systems, and RHELAS5 is used as the deployment environment here. Oot users install the necessary software packages. It is recommended to configure yum and install the following package through yum to solve the dependency of the package. Other packages that need to be used: yumel downloads the latest Zabbix installation package (official website:) to the local area, unzips tarzxvfzabix-1.8.1.tar.gz # useradd–starts MySQL database: # mysqladmin–tests whether you can log in to the database normally–ProotcreateDatabaseabix Characters et utf8; # Cat. /create/data/data . SQL | MySQL-urot-prootzabix #。 /-enable-proxy-prefix =/usr/local/zabix configuration file and web front-end file modification zabix-agent10051/UDP # zabmixtrapper # chown-rzabbix: zabix/etc/zabix # vi/ Etc/Zabbix/Zabbix _ server. conf Add the web front-end php file cdfrontends/. To delete post_max_size=32M, please restart apache and follow the prompts step by step. After completing the configuration in step 3, the login interface will appear. The default user is: admin and the password is: zabbix #/usr/local/zabbix/sbin/zabbix _ server #. Modify the configuration directory and change the configuration directory in the following two files. # vi/etc/init.d/zabbix _ server _ CTL # # echo'/etc/init.d/zabbix _ # # Start the server and Agentd (which can be operated by startstoprestart). Zabbix _ agentd _ ctlstartzabbix _ # psvi/etc/ Up to now, ZabbixServer is available.