1, address code
The administrative division code of the county (city, flag, district) where the permanent residence of the coding object is located shall be implemented according to GB/T 2260.
2. Date of birth code
Indicates the date of birth of the coded object, which is implemented in accordance with GB/T 7408. There is no separator between year, month and day codes.
Example: A person's date of birth is19665438+1October 26th, and his date of birth code is 196 1026.
3. Sequence code
It means that in the area identified by the same address code, the serial numbers of people born on the same day of the same year are assigned to men, or even thousands to women.
4. Check code
The check code adopts ISO 7064: 1983, MOD 1 1-2 check code system.
Representation form of number
The signature codes of the citizen identity number are connected in turn without leaving spaces, and the representation form is:
Example of citizen ID number
A 1 female citizen, born in Chaoyang district, Beijing, 1949,12,31,her citizenship number is:
1 10 105 1949 123 1002 x