In 226 BC, the State of Qin attacked the State of Chu. At first, Qin Shihuang asked Wang Jian to lead the troops. At that time, Chu had gone from bad to worse, with only 200 thousand troops. Qin Shihuang gave Wang Jian 300,000 troops to fight, but Wang Jian refused. Wang Jian said that if you want to go to war, you must give enough troops. Only 600,000 troops are needed to go to war. Qin Shihuang was very angry after hearing this. Now Chu is just the last blow, and it can be done casually. Where can he need 600 thousand troops?
In order to save costs, Qin Shihuang sent Li Xin to attack Chu in vain. Although Li Xin fought steadily, it made slow and steady progress. At the beginning, I won a song all the way, but I was defeated by Xiang Yan, the general of Chu. After the defeat, Qin Shihuang was very wronged and had to re-enable Wang Jian. Again, Wang Jian had to send troops to 600 thousand troops. In desperation, Qin Shihuang had to give him 600,000 troops.
Wang Jian led the army to war. At first, he flew into a rage for a while. Xiang Yan felt a lot of pressure, and many soldiers died. Later, even women and children used it. Just as Xiang Yan was trying to expand his army, Wang Jian suddenly stopped attacking. In this way, Wang Jian and Chu Jun confronted each other for several months, motionless. As a result, Chu Jun couldn't afford it, so Xiang Yan had to take the initiative. Finally, he got Wang Jian's plan and issued the slogan "Although Chu has three households, Qin Bi Chu will die". Chu Jun was defeated, followed by Chu.
It can be seen from this battlefield that Wang Jian's military thought is very unique. When he occupied the absolute advantage, Wang Jian did not take the initiative to send troops, but waited for the other side to attack. When he attacked Zhao, he also had an advantage, but he used a deviant plan. It can be seen from Wang Jian's combat mode that in his military thought, Wang Jian exchanged his own financial and material resources for local casualties. Although it consumes its own food and grass, it can eventually defeat the local area and ensure its effective strength.
Wang Jian has been fighting all his life, and there has never been a problem with logistics when leading troops. This shows that he is a very cautious person. Because of this, Wang Jian bravely retired and finally got a good death.