Billy attack →+B
Cross crack
↓↘→+ AorC ×2
Yelling at →↓ ↘+Byrd's feet
Shiny dragon tail ↓ ↘→+born
Blue anger
↓ ↙ ←+boundary (D×3)
Flash behind ↓ ↙←↙→+bold
Lynn attack →+ A, air ←+B
Yan Lianquan
→↘↓↙←+ AorC
Huang Longxiang's gradual wave ↓↘→+ AorC
Longan bubble →↓ ↘→↓ ↘+AORC > ↓ ↘→+bold > bold.
Roaring dragon feet ↑↓+ BorD
Dragon fist growls, meaning dragon ↙←↙↘→+border.
+b special attack
Become a fugitive
↓↘→+ AorC
Head capture →↘↓↙←+ AorC Add ↓↙←+ AorC
Spiral kick → ↘↓ ↙ ←+border
The Dragon of Death →↓ ↘+Aulke
Blade of Darkness ↓ ↘→ ↘↓ ↙+AORC
Annie's attack →+B
Cross knife light
↓↘→+ AorC
Ascending cross →↓ ↘+aorta
Sprint. Slap. Foot knife →↘↓↙←+border
↓ ↘→+Comet in the sky
Cross blade
↓↙←↓↙←+ AorC
Cassandra attack →+ B, ↘+B
Descending angel
↓↙↓+BOD in the air
Angel blade
→↓↘+ AorC
Illusory image
↓ ↘→+Border
Innocent →↘↓↙←+AorC
↘→↘↙←+White waves in the AORC sky
Oni attack →+ B, ↘+B
←↙↓↘→ + AorC
Air cutting →↓↘+ AorC
Cold steel ↓↙←+ AorC ×3
Cutting the blade in the air ↓≦↓+AORC
Bloody chaos ↓ ↘→↓ ↘→+bold
Pepeter attack →+ A, ↘+B.
Yan Po
→↓ ↘+Border
Folding joint ↓↙←+ AorC
Close the → ↘↓ ↙ ←+border.
Fall into the air and be born.
Sprint burst
↓↘→↓↘→ + AorC
Pupa attack →+ A, ↘+B
Rough dance steps
→ ↘↓ ↙ ←+Border
Flying wrench
↓↘→+AorC (Khan ...)
Flight dance steps →↓ ↘+After border →↓↘++BorD
Innocent d Press 1 sec,1sec (exceeding the requirement), and 30 sec (exceeding the requirement).
Ayu ↓ ↘→↓ ↘→+bold
Alice attack →+ A, air ↓+B
Let's eat
↓↙←+ AorC
Go to hell →↓ ↘+
Twinkle ↓↘→+AorC
Get a haircut at the airport.
Red Rose → ↘↓ →+AORC
Iliad attack →+A, →+B.
Close combat →↓↘+AorC
↓↙←+ AorC
Holy Flash ↓↘→+AorC
Hell or heaven ←↙↓↘→+BorD
The largest tenth
→↘↓↙←→ + AorC
Jones attack →+ A, ↘+B
Finger joint marking
↓↙←+ AorC
Flashing fist
Continuous beating
Arc factor
The influence of ↓↘→+AorC atrophy
Groove owner ↓↙←↓↙←+BorD
Conte attack →+B,,
Burning bomb
↓↘→ + AorC
Kang attack
Rotating flame ↓↙←+AorC
Kang Spiral →↓↘+AorC
Special body kills melee →↘↓↙←→↘↓↙←+AorC
Sonia attack →+ B, ↘+B
Magical high-profile
Close combat →↘↓↙← +AorC
trap a snake
↓↘→ + AorC
Snake bite ↓↙←+BorD
Snake flash →↓ ↘+born
Merciful protection
↓↘→↓↘→ + AorC
Jimmy attack →+ A, ↘+A
Red anger
↓↘→ + AorC
→↓↘ + AorC
A hot hurricane
→↘↓↙← + AorC
Cannon kicks
Shooting ↓↙↓→+ aorc
Abubott attack →+ A, ↘+A, ↘+C.
Raise a circle
Close combat →↘↓↙←+AorC
Kaishan road
Orangutan earthquake →↓↘+AorC
Counterattack ↓↘→+AorC
Kill melee → ↘↓ ↙ ←→ ↘ ↓ ↙+AORC
When the method character selection screen appears, quickly enter ←←→