2. Property tax directly affects the transaction volume, not the house price.
3. Generally, the relationship between supply and demand has the greatest and most direct impact on the price of any commodity, followed by the economic environment. A house was bought by 10 people, even if you pay high taxes. Conversely, only one person buys the house of 10, and you can't sell it without paying taxes. If the tax on imported cars is high, you still have to raise the price.
4. Property tax is more a source of income for managers and a macro-control lever.
You always say that the seller is the beneficiary, which is just the income of money. Income also has value income, including use value, collection value and exchange value. If you buy a car, the economic value that the seller wants is the use value. If you are a used car, you get economic value and exchange value.
6. Let's put aside the problem of high taxes and low taxes or whether the seller or the buyer pays taxes. Will you buy things that are worthless to you (because worthless things can no longer be called commodities)? Therefore, our trading behavior first looks at value, that is, income, not tax.