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Illustrators, monsters, characters, clothes and mounts
Active attack type
Mini World Yemengbao
Name: Ye Mengbao
Falling: the probability and experience of falling strange meat.
Classic: fast moving speed, lovely shape and lovely voice.
Wild Mengbao Raiders Wild Mengbao Origin Wild Mengbao How to Play Wild Mengbao Playing Circuit Wild Mengbao Danger? What does wild Mengbao eat? Where is the wild Mengbao tamed?
Mini world savage
Name: Barbarian
Falling: the probability and experience of falling strange meat.
Classic: Move faster and attack at close range.
Savage Raiders Where did the savage become a savage? Savage mode is coming. Barbaric tame savage mask.
Mini world savage hunter
Name: Savage Hunter
Falling: the probability and experience of falling strange meat.
Features: slow moving speed, long-range attack
Savage hunter raiders savage hunter gameplay Where is the savage hunter?
Big-eyed mini-world spider
Name: Spider with Big Eyes
Drop: Drop probability, spider's eye, experience.
Classic: fast moving, close attack.
What do big-eyed spiders eat, how to find big-eyed spiders and how to fight them.
Mini world baby Dan
Name: fried egg
Drop: an opportunity to drop gunpowder and experience
Features: fast-moving, cute and extremely dangerous creatures, try to stay away from them.
What is the egg-popping raiders? Burst eggs hurt eggs. What are you afraid of? Break eggs, tame break eggs. Where are they?
Passive attack type
Mini World Earth Children
Name: Geocentric Man
Falling: the opportunity and experience of falling into the eye of the center of the earth (necessary for finding a dungeon).
Features: teleport, afraid of water, will not take the initiative to attack (positive view will irritate it).
What do people eat? How do people automatically attack people? Where are people?
Geocentric monster
Mini world sulfur shooter
Name: Sulfur Shooter
Fall: fire probability, small coal, experience.
Features: fast moving speed, long-range attack with flame damage.
What does a sulfur shooter eat? What does a sulfur shooter look like? How to hit a sulfur shooter? Where is the sulfur shooter?
Mini-world magma monster
Name: Magma Monster
Falling: the probability and experience of falling a mucus ball.
Features: slow moving speed, short-range attack and super-thick blood volume.
Magmatists Raiders: What do magmatists eat? Where is the magmatist? How did they fight?
Mini world black dragon
Name: Ancient Black Dragon (one of the world BOSS)
Drop: Drop a lot of experience, and you can get a mysterious treasure chest if you beat it.
Features: move the speed block to stabilize the long-range fireball attack.
Black Dragon Raiders How to tame the black dragon How to resurrect the black dragon Raiders How to kill the black dragon How to unseal the black dragon Kill the black dragon Video After the black dragon eggs hatch, the black dragon eggs are broken. How do black dragon eggs hatch and get them?