Where can I buy rabbits in Bijie, Guizhou? What is the price?
The sales volume of a city is limited, and rabbits are growing rapidly. It is suggested to broaden the market. First, find several large vegetable markets in this city, and the chicken sellers will help you sell them on a commission basis. Then there is a business card issued by the hotel, which can be delivered to your door as required. Learn rabbit skin nitration technology and contact rabbit skin sales. Sometimes selling rabbit skin is more expensive than selling rabbits. Don't forget to tell me when you find a market. I'll keep rabbits, too, haha. There is also deep processing of rabbits to make preserved rabbits or dried rabbit meat, which can be preserved for a long time or sold to further places to increase added value. If it tastes good, you can contact me and I may help you sell some. In addition, rabbits just full moon can be taken as pets and sold in the flower and bird market.