Freeze to death, don't tear down the house, starve to death, don't fight "is the slogan of Yue Jiajun, which is also a true portrayal. Damage crops, hinder farming, unfair trade ... stop! In ancient times, many troops could do it as long as they ordered those who could not. There are also many people who claim to have damaged crops and cut them unfairly, but I'm afraid only Yue Jiajun can really do it. Therefore, wherever Yue Jiajun went, the people all watched with joy. "Raise your hand, raise your forehead, and you will cry with admiration. "When the foot soldiers were injured, Yue Fei personally asked; If the family of foot soldiers is difficult, the relevant institutions can give more money; In addition to the sacrificed soldiers and generous pension, he also "took his son, wife and daughter" (after the sacrifice of the Ministry, only the orphan girl was left unattended, and Yue Fei asked his son to marry her), and Li often expressed condolences to the soldier's widow. Such an army that rewards and punishes officers and men with one heart is naturally "easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." "
Yue Fei not only knows how to live in harmony with other ministers, but also knows how to keep a low profile. He can see clearly the importance of opposing the prince and other political events, but he is outspoken and indomitable, unwilling to curry favor with the powerful, and even more unwilling to cater to the peace talks at the time of national disaster. He has written many times against the surrender of Emperor Gaozong and Qin Gui, so he will be jealous of gangsters.
Yue Jiajun's combat practice has proved that the combat effectiveness is particularly strong. As for the reason why it is particularly powerful, it is inseparable from Yue Fei's practice and teaching and reading. More importantly, it has two conditions. These two conditions are reflected in the details, how much Yue Fei wants to closely link his troops with the people; Also reflected in the details, Yue Fei is indeed an outstanding strategist and strategist.