Get to know each other and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. When people get along with each other, they must first understand each other. Otherwise, they may do things that embarrass each other out of their own kindness. When getting along with people, the most taboo is to be self-centered, regardless of other people's ideas, and to communicate with people completely according to their own ideas, especially to impose their own ideas on others. Everyone has different ideas. What you think is good is not necessarily good for others, and what you think is bad is not necessarily bad for others. Don't always worry about others. There is a good saying: I wanted an apple, but you gave me a car full of pears. You are touched by yourself. But I'm not happy because I didn't get the apple I wanted.
Pay attention to your own discretion and don't violate other people's bottom line. Some people are easy-going, as long as they don't hurt them, they can maintain a good relationship. You just need to treat such people sincerely. Some people will haggle over every ounce, and they can't do whatever they want when they are in contact. They can say whatever they want and do whatever they want. It is best to have a good relationship with these people, but if they are really out of character, there is no need to force them to keep a proper distance, that is, the superficial past. Too far away, people say that you are unsociable and have opinions on people; If you are too close, you may violate each other's taboos at any time, and the relationship will become more rigid. If you don't want to be too stiff, just keep a proper distance.
Keep a correct attitude and don't be influenced by other people's comments. As mentioned above, everyone has different personalities and preferences. If you want everyone to recognize it, this is a contradiction in itself. Imagine what your temper would be if chronic people liked you and impatient people liked you. Moreover, since everyone has different ideas, that is to say, we also have our own ideas. If you want to satisfy others, you often have to change yourself to adapt to others, which is unfair to yourself. When people get along with each other, they need to make necessary concessions, but this relationship is mutual, and it has never been a unilateral concession by one party to the other. In other words, you have to accommodate others, and others have to accommodate you to a degree acceptable to both sides. If others don't accommodate you, your unilateral compromise is meaningless and you can only push your luck. Moreover, everyone is equal. If others don't accommodate you, what reason do you have to blindly accommodate others? Just do what you have to do.