There are many handsome men in the history of our country. The four most typical ones are Pan An, Warrior Lan Ling, Song Yu and Wei Jie. First of all, Pan An, Pan An must be a well-known handsome man. In the past, people praised men for being handsome, instead of being so straightforward, they said that they were "better looking than Pan An" and praised Pan An for being beautiful. Although many people are praised as "better looking than Pan An", the beauty of Pan An is not so easy to reproduce.
The word "fruit cart" can tell you the beauty of this person intuitively. It is said that every time Pan An goes out to travel, a lot of girls send him flowers and fresh fruits, and he is too busy to go home every time. You know, in that era of underdeveloped information, you can do this not by your own packaging, but by your own beauty, which is really amazing.
Another legend is the warrior Lan Ling. He is a general who needs to kill the enemy, but because he is too beautiful to deter the enemy, he has to wear a mask on the battlefield. He is a handsome man with both civil and military skills. If these beautiful men in history form a combination, it will definitely set off a storm and make thousands of girls crazy again.