Tools: iPhone 1 1, ios 16.3. 1, Call of Duty v 1.9. 17.
Step 1: Open the settings icon on the mobile phone, click Application in the options, select Application Management, and enter. (as shown in the figure below)
Step 2, enter the application management, we find the game call of duty game permissions, click enter. (as shown in the figure below)
Step 3: Click Enter. We select the permission option in the selection bar, and then click Enter Settings. (as shown in the figure below)
Step 4: In the permission interface, we click on the location information to allow it to access during the probation period. (as shown in the figure below)
That's all the steps to solve the problem that Call of Duty Theater 2 can't find the program. Remember to like it for me if it is useful to you ~