Word pronunciation: English sound /k? n? s? v? W? t? /,Voice of America /k?
Phrase translation:
save water
Save water: save water
Saving water: water resources protection
Water use efficiency: water resources utilization efficiency
Water management: water resources management
Saving water is very important, especially in water-deficient areas.
Saving water is very important, especially in areas where water resources are scarce. )
We can all turn off the tap when brushing our teeth and do our part to save water.
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. We can help protect water resources. )
Water-saving shower heads can significantly reduce the water consumption of our daily shower.
A water-saving shower head can significantly reduce the water consumption for our daily bath. )
Effective water resources management is very important to ensure the sustainable use of water resources for future generations.
Effective water resources management is very important to ensure the sustainable use of water resources for future generations. )
Water efficiency measures can help enterprises reduce water consumption and save water charges.
Water efficiency measures can help enterprises reduce water consumption and save water charges. )
Interpretation of meaning:
Saving water refers to taking various measures to reduce water consumption and waste in order to better protect and utilize water resources.
Detailed explanation of grammar:
In order to save water, we need to actively practice and participate in water-saving actions, which include various verbs and nouns expressing water-saving actions.
"Saving water" usually means taking active measures to reduce the use of water resources as a whole.
Examples of specific usage:
The city launched a water-saving campaign to encourage citizens to use less water.
The city launched a water-saving campaign to encourage residents to reduce water consumption. )
The company invested in new water-saving technologies to reduce water consumption by 30%.
The company invested in new water resources utilization technology, and the water consumption was reduced by 30%. )
The government has implemented policies to promote water management and ensure the sustainable utilization of water resources.
The government has implemented the policy of promoting water resources management to ensure the sustainable utilization of water resources. )
We all have the responsibility to save water and protect the earth's resources for future generations.
We all have the responsibility to save water and protect the earth's resources for future generations. )
The school installed water-saving devices in the bathroom to reduce the waste of water resources and promote water conservation.
The school installed water-saving equipment in the bathroom to reduce water waste and promote water protection. )
Discrimination of word meaning:
Water saving: Take a series of measures to reduce water consumption and waste, so as to better protect and utilize water resources.
Save water: protect, promote and maintain water resources through various measures to ensure sustainable utilization.
Water use efficiency: Improve water use efficiency through scientific and rational allocation and utilization of water resources.
Water management: in order to protect, utilize, develop and maintain water resources, the rational allocation and utilization of water resources are realized through management means.
Water management: active water resources management, including the internal relationship between society, economy and ecological environment.
Bilingual example:
Saving water is very important to us, not only for ourselves, but also for the environment and future generations.
Saving water is very important to ourselves, the environment and future generations. )
Farmers in drought-affected areas are turning to water-saving measures to maintain their crops and livelihoods.
Farmers in arid areas are taking measures to save water to maintain their crops and livelihoods. )
The water shortage crisis in some parts of the world highlights the urgent need for water resources management and protection strategies.
The water shortage crisis in some parts of the world highlights the urgent need for water resources management and protection strategies. )
The hotel encourages guests to participate in water-saving work by reusing towels and turning off the tap when brushing their teeth.
This hotel advocates saving water, encourages guests to reuse towels and turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. )
Saving water will not only help to mitigate the effects of drought, but also reduce energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions.
Saving water will not only help to mitigate the effects of drought, but also reduce energy use and related greenhouse gas emissions. )