You can't back down when you encounter difficulties. Although you have tried, you will encounter many difficulties in your life. You must try your best to overcome them, and then you can win. You should learn more from their work experience, learn their advantages and observe their shortcomings. If you work hard in this respect, you will be better than them. So, you should cheer up and try again. Believe in your ability to overcome difficulties, because man can conquer nature! Give yourself more encouragement and let everyone cheer you up and work hard.
A person should know himself correctly, because there are great differences between people, and know his own personality strengths and weaknesses. Learning to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses helps to form your own unique self-confidence. People are constantly changing and developing, and we need to constantly update and improve our understanding of ourselves in order to make ourselves better and more perfect. To know yourself correctly, we must look at ourselves with a comprehensive and developmental perspective. Therefore, people need to be confident to complete their goals and careers. ......
First of all, you should have confidence and think that you can do anything. Only when you realize that you can achieve your goal through your own efforts. Confirm from your heart that you can do it and encourage yourself. As long as you are mentally prepared, you won't back down because of a little difficulty. Believe that you can complete the task with confidence. The world is developing, the times are progressing, and people should keep pace with the times. People's development goals change from time to time. As long as you overcome inferiority, build up self-confidence and be the creator of your own happiness. As long as you have confidence, you can overcome any difficulties, and nothing can beat you; You will succeed in your studies or career. You are the most promising young man.
When you are confident, you should also learn to make friends. Only in the intimate words of friends can you be comforted, have a chance to speak boldly, and have an occasion to exercise you, so that you are not afraid of anyone, dare to express your opinions or suggestions, and dare to express your opinions. Because friends can keep you away from loneliness, you can integrate into society and get happiness.
Life without friendship is bleak, just like the earth has lost the light of the sun and its luster. Life without friendship is boring, just like a match that has withstood the tide. No matter how you rub it, you can't light the fire of hope of life. A life without friendship is an incomplete life. A person living in the world, since there is no friend, no friend's care, how can he appreciate the real pleasure of life?
Only a life full of friendship is full and meaningful. A philosopher said: two people share a pain, then there is only half the pain; When two people share one happiness, there are two happiness. When you are in trouble and embarrassed, you suddenly get sincere help from your friends, even if it is just a common word of comfort and encouragement. What will your mood be like? Will you feel that your heart has been released with a kind of comfort, and a warm current rises from your heart, making you full of confidence and energy? When you are ecstatic about your success, what will your mood be like if you get sincere blessings from your friends? Whether you feel happy or not. Therefore, enhancing your self-confidence can eliminate your inferiority complex. How confident you feel! You can make great achievements in your work while regaining your confidence.