One of the unique advantages of ICSID as a global network designer is that we have educational and corporate members and have great potential to cooperate with these two pillars in a mutually beneficial way. This column talks about how design schools can cooperate with companies to strengthen their education programs, and understand the advantages that companies get from work and design schools from a business perspective.
Intuition in the classroom
Paul rand once asked, "What is a designer with basic skills?" He replied, "It's all intuition. You can't teach intuition the source of this precious element in the creative process-the theory of genius obviously inspired the artist in the follow-up questions. When asked about the difference between a designer and an artist, Rand said, "There is no difference between a designer and an artist. Are related to the form and content of the work.
The story of power
"My life, my business card", which is the slogan of the current American Express credit card movement, imitates MasterCard's "priceless" movement in many ways. In both cases, the marketing idea is to link the use of credit cards with our most unforgettable and important life experiences, and may even make the use of credit cards one of these experiences.
Interdisciplinary innovation
Among the design schools I visited all over the world, it is difficult to find a school that does not engage in some form of interdisciplinary education. Different degrees of commitment and success, it seems that everyone is doing it, or at least talking about it, because many meetings are discussing this topic. Although industrial design has always advocated a real take-off in the field of hybrid and matching design in cross-business and engineering, about fifteen years ago, when design professionals began to realize the value of mutual cooperation.
Thanks for adoption