Second, the required tools: WIN7
(a) change the remote port number:
1. During the operation, click Start-Enter regedit and enter.
2. Expand the branch "HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ current control set \ control \ terminal server \ WDS \ rdpwd \ TDS \ TCP" in turn, and double-click the key value of port number.
3. Cardinality: Switch to decimal and change the numerical data, that is, the port number of the remote desktop terminal service, for example, to 8080, and click OK.
4. Expand the branch of "HKEY _ Local _ Machine \ System \ Current Control Set \ Control \ Terminal Server \ Winstations \ RDP-TCP" in turn, and double-click the key value of PortNumber, as shown above, and change the port number to 8080.
(2) Remote desktop connection:
1. Click the start button-enter mstsc Enter in the run box.
2. Enter the IP: port number of the remote computer, and then click Connect.
3. Before connecting remotely, you need to turn on the remote desktop function of another computer.
1) Select a computer on the desktop, and then select Properties with the right mouse button.
2) Click Remote Settings.
3) Select a computer connection that allows you to run any version of Remote Desktop, and then click OK.