According to the website of Puyang municipal government, the latest data of the seventh census in 2020 shows that there are 124 1426 households, 3 1536 collective households, 362 1957 households and 1507 collective households among the permanent residents in Puyang city. The average population of each household is 2.92, which is 0.78 less than the 3.70 in the sixth national census in 20 10.
Among the permanent residents in this city, the male population is 1869006, accounting for 49.55%; The female population is 1903082, accounting for 50.45%. The sex ratio of the population (female 100, male-female ratio) decreased from 99.66 in the sixth national census of 20 10 to 98.25438+0.
Among the permanent residents in Puyang, the population aged 0- 14 is 969473, accounting for 25.70%; 15-59 years old population is 2 135967, accounting for 56.63%; The population aged 60 and above is 66648, accounting for 17.67%, of which 495856 are aged 65 and above, accounting for 13. 15%. Compared with the sixth national census in 20 10, the proportion of people aged 0- 14 increased by 3.48 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 15-59 decreased by 8.97 percentage points, the proportion of people aged 60 and over increased by 5.47 percentage points, and the proportion of people aged 65 and over increased by 5.49 percentage points.