King Wuling of Zhao attacked Zhongshan in the north, and the soldiers arrived through the house. Then he went north to the desert, attacked the Yellow River in the west, and climbed to the top of Huanghua Mountain. He discussed with Guo that the people should wear short coats and Hu clothes and learn to ride horses and shoot arrows. He said, "stupid people will laugh at me, but smart people will understand." Even if everyone laughs at me, I will do it, and I must take away the territory of the northern conference semifinals and Zhongshan State! "So I put on my Hu clothes.
People in China don't want to wear Hu clothes. Among them, the son said that he was ill and didn't come to court. The king of Zhao sent someone to persuade him, "Family affairs are subordinate to parents, and state affairs are subordinate to the monarch. Now I want people to wear Hu clothes, but my uncle doesn't want to. I am worried that the whole world will criticize me for favoritism. " Governing the country has certain rules and regulations, and it should be based on benefiting the people; There must be certain principles in dealing with political affairs, and the implementation of government decrees should be the most important. To promote morality, people must first discuss and understand it, and the implementation of the law must start from the trusted ministers of the nobility.
So I hope I can use your uncle's example to complete the feat of switching to Khufu. "Gongzi Er apologized:" I heard that under the enlightenment of sages, the Central Plains adopted the ritual system, which is a place for distant countries to visit and the surrounding areas to learn from. Regardless of this now, imitating foreign costumes is an act that changes ancient habits and goes against people's hearts. I hope you will consider it carefully. "Angel report to the prince of Zhao.
Wang Zhao personally came to the door and explained: "There are Qi and Zhongshan countries in the east of China; There are Guo Yan and East Lake in the north; Loufan is in the west, bordering on Qin and North Korea. Now there is no training in horse riding and archery, why can it be kept? In the past, Sun Yat-sen invaded our territory by relying on Qiang Bing of Qi, plundered the people and besieged the city with water. But for God's blessing, the city would almost fall.
Wang is deeply ashamed of this. Therefore, I am determined to become Khufu and learn to ride and shoot, so as to resist disasters in all directions and avenge Zhongshan. And uncle, you blindly follow the old customs of the Central Plains. I hate changing clothes. I forgot the shame of Yan city. I am deeply disappointed in you! "Childe a listen to a rude awakening, gladly, king Wuling of Zhao personally gave him khufu, the next day he wore it into the court. Therefore, King Wuling of Zhao officially issued a decree to change to Khufu, and advocated learning to ride horses and shoot arrows.
2. Modern Meiji Restoration
187 1 year, the Meiji government sent a large-scale envoy headed by right minister Iwakura Tomomi to visit Europe and the United States to inspect the capitalist country system. Under the slogan of making Qiang Bing a rich country, achieving prosperity through industrialization and moving towards civilization, the government actively introduced western science and technology, carried out large-scale primitive accumulation in the form of high land tax, and established a number of state-owned enterprises focusing on military industry, mines, railways and shipping.
At the same time, introduce modern equipment such as silk reeling and textile, establish demonstration factories and popularize advanced technology; Hire foreign experts, send overseas students abroad and train senior scientific and technological talents.
Due to the heavy financial burden, the financial crisis was once triggered. In the early 1980s, the government sold a number of state-owned enterprises and mines to privileged capitalists (so-called political businessmen) who colluded with the government, and encouraged Chinese, landlords, businessmen and upper-class gentry to invest in banks, railways and other enterprises with generous protection policies. Since the mid-1980s, the climax of the industrial revolution began to appear, centering on the textile industry.
/kloc-During the Meiji Restoration in Japan in the 0/9th century, the four forces of Sasakawa, Tufei and Fanjun joined forces. Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last general, was forced to return to Meiji after defeating the shogunate army in the Battle of Bird Feather in Fujian. Since then, Japan has officially entered the capitalist society.
Meiji Restoration deprived the feudal warrior class of its privileges. The middle samurai was transformed into a new parasitic class because the government redeemed its land, while the lower samurai had only one way and went bankrupt. 1877, the gentry in the southwest revolted under the leadership of Saigō Takamori-the southwest war was the aftermath of the Chen Wu war. Meiji Restoration destroyed the old feudal order and opened a new era, which had a far-reaching impact on Japanese history and world history.
The protagonist of the reform is not the four princes, but the vast number of middle and lower class warriors and civilians. Meiji Restoration is a political revolution and an important turning point in Japanese history. It overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate, returned the main government to the emperor, carried out great political, economic and social reforms, and promoted Japan's modernization and westernization. The main leaders of Meiji Restoration were some young warriors who tried to build a country that could keep pace with the West under the slogan of "Rich Qiang Bing".
The Meiji government first adopted the measures of "returning official titles" and "abolishing vassals and establishing counties", which ended the long-term feudal separatist situation in Japan and laid the foundation for establishing a centralized country and developing the capitalist economy. Since then, the Meiji government has implemented three policies, namely, enriching Qiang Bing, developing industry through reproduction and civilization.
Qiang Bing, a rich country, is to reform the military and police system, establish an arms industry, implement the conscription system and establish a new military and police system, which is the foundation of the country. Industrialization is the introduction of advanced technology, equipment and management methods from the West, which strongly supports the development of capitalism. Civilization means learning from western civilization, developing modern education, improving national knowledge and cultivating modern talents.
Extended data:
The influence of Khufu s riding and shooting reform;
As a result of the implementation, Zhao Jian established an army with cavalry as the main body, and its role in the war immediately showed its power. The following year, Zhao attacked Zhongshan, which had invaded Zhao for a long time, until (now north of Huolu County, Hebei Province). He also attacked the west and arrived in Yuzhong (now the northeast bank of Hetao, Inner Mongolia), where he "conquered thousands of miles" and Wang made peace for Zhao Xianliang's horse. King Wuling of Zhao asked Zhao Gu, the representative of Dai Di, to take charge of the occupied Alakazam and provide cavalry to the mainland.
In the twenty-first year of King Wuling of Zhao (305 BC), the three armies attacked Zhongshan and captured Danqiu, Huayang, Li Zai, Shiqian, Fenglong and Dongyuan in Zhongshan. Wang Xian, Zhongshan 4 cities, please make peace, Zhao stop attacking. King Wuling of Zhao is determined to destroy Zhongshan. In twenty-three and twenty-six years, he attacked Zhongshan again. In the third year of Zhao Huiwang (296 BC), Zhongshan was finally destroyed and moved to Pumice (now southeast of Suide County, Shaanxi Province).
While stepping up the attack on Zhongshan, Zhao also attacked the Xiongnu invaders in the north, "heading north to the land of the Yan Dynasty". West to Hu Lin and Loufan, to Yunzhong (now Tuoketuo County, Inner Mongolia) and Jiuyuan (now Baotou City, Inner Mongolia).
It can be said that after the reform of riding and shooting, Zhao became the country with the strongest national strength except Qin at that time.