1. Change the port of the server to 3389.
Steps: Open "Start → Run", enter "regedit", open the registry editor, enter the following path: [HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ current control set \ control \ terminal server \ WDS \ rdpwd \ TDS \ TCP], and see the value of PortNamber on the right, and modify it to 389. Pay attention.
Open [HKEY _ local _ machine \ system \ current control 1set \ control \ tennilserver \ winstates \ RDP \ TCP] again, and change the port number to 3389, which is also 10.
After modification, restart the computer.
2. Confirm that the server remote desktop service is turned on.
Step: Open the control panel, select the firewall, and then close the firewall.
Or, just open a specific firewall port 3389(TCP).
Also, right-click "My Computer", select "Properties", "Remote" in it, and select "Tick" in it.
3. Confirm that the client is connected correctly.
Step: Run the client mstsc and fill in the server address.