Ceng Zi, whose name was Zeng Shen, was a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period and a disciple of Confucius. Ceng Zi was deeply taught by Confucius. He is not only knowledgeable, but also very honest. He never cheats others, even for his own children.
Once, Ceng Zi's wife wanted to go shopping, and her son cried to go with her. His wife coaxed him into saying, "Wait for me at home, and I'll kill pig stew for you when I come back." . Children believe it.
When his wife came back, she saw Ceng Zi sharpening his knife and preparing to kill the pig. She quickly stopped saying; "What's the matter with you? Do you really want to kill pigs for him? I once coaxed him. " Ceng Zi said seriously, "How can you cheat a child? Our words and deeds have an influence on children. If it doesn't count, the children will not listen to us in the future. " He did kill that pig. Ceng Zi's words and deeds set an example for future generations.
A promise to be kept.
At the end of Qin Dynasty, there was a man named Lu Bu in Chu State. He is an honest and frank man and very trustworthy. As long as he agrees, he will do his best. Therefore, he was praised by many people and everyone respected him.
He used to be a general in Xiang Yu's army and defeated Liu Bang many times. So when Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty and became emperor, he ordered the arrest of Lu Bu, and announced that anyone who caught Lu Bu, such as Jin Qianliang, the hider and the three families would be punished together. However, Ji Bu is honest and often shows great bravery, so everyone wants to protect him. At first, Ji Bu hid in a friend's house. After a while, the news of catching him became tighter. His friend shaved off his hair, disguised himself as a slave, and sold it to the Zhu family in Lu as a laborer, with dozens of servants.
Zhu's master appreciated Lu Bu very much, so he made a special trip to Luoyang to find Liu Bang's good friend Ru Yin Hou Tenggong to intercede for Liu Bang, hoping to cancel the arrest warrant against Lu Bu. Later, Liu Bang did pardon Lu Bu and gave him an official position. There is a fellow countryman named Cao Qiusheng in Jixia. He always likes to associate with powerful friends, so he asked someone to write a letter of introduction to Lu Bu, hoping to meet Lu Bu and make friends. However, Ji Bu was disgusted at the sight of him and didn't want to talk to Cao Qiusheng at all. But in the face of Lu Bu's annoying eyes, he continued casually: "You also know that we are all Chu people. People often say that' a promise of a thousand dollars' is the result of my preaching and teaching for you everywhere, but why do you always refuse to see me? " Lu Bu was very happy after hearing Cao Qiusheng's words, and immediately changed his attitude and regarded him as a guest of honor.