"God knew who was going to hell, so why would he create him to suffer eternally" <=What is the answer? No answer. It’s just that a lot of gorgeous modifying words are used in the text.
I don’t see how this answer is more convincing than other answers at all.
It’s just like saying a lot of words that make people embarrassed to say that they don’t understand them at all. Why did the questioner To choose an answer that can’t answer the question even if you go around in circles
Instead of decisively using the arguments of different respondents to judge whether God is good or not? Or is this a thousand-year-old problem?
Don’t you have the confidence to place a bet? So
Why not vote?
God has the ability to know what will happen in the future!!! But God gives Give people free will
Give people the freedom to choose. The road to death is chosen by oneself! God does not interfere with the decisions made by people!!! God created people...but God is more free than people. Choice~! 2007-02-02 18:42:05 Supplement: It’s because there are D man-made fake gods...God created humans...people should believe in Him...but because humans are guilty...even if I listened to the Bible once, but none of them believed in God. After hearing it, I didn’t really want to believe it. Those people have blessings but don’t know their blessings!! What will happen to people in the end? People who don’t believe in God will go to hell. Those who believe can go to heaven~~! I don’t know how many years it will take until the end of the day~! The Bible says: I don’t know...you don’t know...even God doesn’t know when~! The Bible talks about the situation of the end of the day~! 2007-02-02 18:44:54 Supplement: I suggest that the questioner choose the best answer from one person... His name is... Ou Bo.~! I think he answered well.
Reference: me
If God knew someone was going to hell, why would he create him to suffer eternal suffering? This is an extremely difficult question to answer and is worth thinking about. To this day I don’t have a satisfactory answer, but I can share my own thoughts. 1) The concepts of omniscience, omniscience, and omnipotence conflict with each other if compared separately. For example, if God is perfectly good, it is impossible for God to sin. Since it is impossible, he is not omnipotent. And your question exactly points out the contradiction between the three concepts of omniscience, omniscience and omnipotence. But I personally think it is inappropriate to compare God’s attributes separately. 2) I believe that man cannot know God by his own efforts. Man’s knowledge of God depends entirely on God’s revelation. People in the world are like a few blind men who touch an elephant. Some touch the tusks, some touch the elephant's trunk, and some touch the elephant's feet. They have different understandings of the objects' shapes and contradict each other, but the elephant is Elephant, the contradiction lies not in the elephant itself, but in the blind man. If a blind man wants to know the true form of an elephant, he can only accept it with "faith." 3) Having said that, God already knew who was going to hell, so why did He create him to suffer eternal suffering? There seems to be no clear answer to this question in the Bible. I dare not answer it for God, but I am sure that God wants everyone in the world to be saved and does not want any soul to be separated from Him forever.
This is the fundamental doctrine of Christianity
This is true for both Calvin and Martin Luther
Take a look at the following book <
Therefore, before people began to pay attention to the importance of religious freedom in the mid-19th century
Those who opposed the theory of predestination would be beaten to death in minutes! Also because Salvation is predestined
People have no ability to change: murder and arson have become a matter of course - especially for pagans: therefore imperialism
The slave trade is not unacceptable
The massacre of the old religion is pleasing to God.......................Many sins have come from this. <
God confirmed this not only for a certain person, but also for the entire descendants of Abraham, which clearly shows that the future situation of each nation is determined by God. "...Moses often gave the same exhortation over and over again, "Behold, the heavens belong to the Lord your God, the heavens in the heavens, and the earth and everything that is on the earth. But the LORD took pleasure in your ancestors and loved them, choosing their descendants from among all peoples. "In another place he commanded the people to be holy, because God had chosen them as a special people; in another place he said that God's love was their defense. The believers declared with one voice, "He is for us Choosing a career is the glory of Jacob, whom he loves. "For all the gifts of God they glorified the free love of God, not only because they felt that these gifts were not due to their merit, but also because they were convinced that even their holy ancestors Jacob had no virtue so great as to secure for himself and his descendants the right to such great honors, and to more effectually banish all pride, Moses reproached them (the Israelites) with being "stiff-necked." The people" are not worthy of God's favor in the slightest. The prophets also often criticized the Jews, mentioning this election that they did not welcome because they shamefully abandoned this election. So, I would like to ask those who want to attribute God's election to people. Meritorious people: When they see that a certain nation is more favored by God than other nations, and when they hear that God’s special grace to a small, humble, and even rebellious and stubborn nation is a free gift, can they? Do they want to quarrel with God because He has determined to show His mercy? Far from hindering His work, their clamor and noise cannot harm or affect Him, nor can their curses from heaven be like stones thrown into the air. righteousness; but the result is to strike oneself on the head." But
This is contrary to Martin Luther's original intention: cftfc/churchhistory/Big5/history/12 "Then? Man's freedom. What about the will? Is man free? Luther wrote a very intense pamphlet on this issue, "On the Slave Will." As mentioned earlier, Luther considered this pamphlet to be the most important of all his works. An important book. In this booklet, Luther directly stated that free will is a fact imagined and fabricated by sinners. After committing a crime, people do not even have the ability to distinguish between good and evil, so how can they choose the good? ? After a person commits a crime, his will becomes a slave to sin, and he has no ability not to sin. But doesn’t a person have the ability to choose to do this or that? Yes, but this choice is within the scope of sin; that is, It means that a person can choose to commit a crime this way or that way. No matter which way he chooses, the result will be the same, that is, committing a crime. Even if a person is faced with good and evil, he can choose between good and evil, even if he really chooses good. , but he immediately discovered that he had no ability to realize the good he chose. Such a choice was an illusory choice. To have real freedom, people must be released by Christ. Only when they are released by Christ can they have true freedom. Freedom. In fact, the goal of salvation is to allow people to gain this true freedom. After being saved, people become their own kings for the first time. They are independent and no longer subject to any control. They can freely come before God. , communion with porcelain. But the man who is completely free is willing to be a servant of all, like Christ. He is free, but his freedom is for others. Before, he was locked in self-centeredness. Being released from the shackles of self-centeredness and naturally showing responsibility and love to others is the meaning of true freedom. "The funny thing is that the two people's thoughts are intertwined: Is Christianity really "big"? *** "
Quoted from the book "The Mystery of Life after Death", which is about the insights of more than 60 people who have experienced life after death: People have set a blueprint for their lives before they are born from the mother's womb. , we have set the meaning of life for ourselves. The purpose is to have the opportunity to learn unconditional love from treating others, loving others, patience and forgiveness in this world through reincarnation, so as to gain the spiritual character growth of ourselves or others, so that after death You can enter a higher level of ecstasy than before, and heaven is the place with the highest level of ecstasy. The Creator will not force people to go to heaven, hell or any other place. It is the person’s decision to decide where they end up, but every road ultimately leads to the Creator.
Reference: Book: "The Mystery of Life After Death"
In fact, there is no omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent God, because the teachings of Christian cults are untrue and evil, like Taiwanese artists Xu Weilun (she did not believe in Christianity) had her brains smashed in a car accident during her lifetime. After her death, she would go to the hell of a Christian cult and be roasted forever. If you have not yet exterminated humanity, you should leave the religion immediately. Don't imitate the GOGO Holy Soldiers who threaten us in hell. We will never understand. , His life is only a few decades, no matter how this person commits crimes, these crimes are always "limited". Why should "unlimited" eternal punishment be used to reward "limited" sins. So, what is the point of God establishing hell? In my opinion, the establishment of hell not only overthrows all "love", but also fails to reflect the meaning of punishment and education. On the contrary, it reflects the perverted nature of God, the devil. In fact, all punishments such as imprisonment and death penalty are nothing more than It is almost for the purpose of punishment, education, and justice. Anything beyond these is a degenerate punishment, because it is often the selfish revenge of the ruler.
Therefore, besides the purpose of God, the devil, to satisfy his desire for revenge and to intimidate the world, is there any other reason for the establishment of hell? Christians often like to describe God as a loving father and loving mother. This is really the greatest absurdity in the world. I wonder which loving father and mother in the world would punish his son forever. If he is truly a loving father and loving mother, he should give his son a chance to change. And what God calls In the hell set up, there is no chance of correction. Religion is a distortion of human nature, especially Christianity. What is objectionable about Christianity is the doctrine of eternal fire in hell. People who believe in the doctrine of eternal fire in hell are mentally ill! Moreover, the hell of Christianity is endless and extremely perverted. This is something that the modern philosopher Russell and many free thinkers have strongly criticized. Every time I see some fundamental Christians defending the existence of eternal fire in hell, I am deeply aware of the ugly side of human nature. This is actually not surprising. Christian beliefs often make people lose their humanity. Look at the Catholic Inquisition in the Middle Ages. The Protestant theologian Calvin burned Servetus to death for two hours and other atrocities. We know that monotheism is a dangerous belief. It can easily cause the loss of human conscience. Even the deeper the belief, the more humanity is lost in thoughts and actions! Fundamentalist pastor Zhang Lisheng is an obvious example. He has shamefully attacked evolution and atheism in many books. We can still tolerate him out of ignorance, but Zhang Lisheng blatantly *** in his "Systematic Theology--Eschatology" Naked Earth To defend the existence of eternal fire in hell and advocate that hell is a specific fierce fire, based on ethical conscience, we have to condemn it! Even in the Christian community, such as modern liberal theology, the concept of hell has been downplayed and regarded as a Symbolic names, and many Christians I have met are unwilling to admit the eternity and concreteness of hell. These phenomena can be regarded as a trace of Christian conscience. Of course, Zhang Lisheng strongly opposes these, because Zhang Lisheng is such a person. What fundamentalists advocate is exactly the existence of the most extremely cruel hell. Let's take a look at how Zhang Lisheng defended the most cruel nature of hell in this book. He said: "The tendency of sin will produce sin and then become "eternal sin." Therefore, in terms of the requirements of justice, God should Continuous punishment is used to punish continual sins. Human beings continue to sin, and justice cannot stop punishing." (3)
He even quoted Calvin's words, "God has the most sufficient reason to do so. To punish sin forever and ever." After reading this, I was really dumbfounded. Regardless of whether "sin" comes from humans, human so-called "sin" is limited anyway. It only begins with a person's birth and ends with his death. After a person's death, consciousness also ends. No, where does (continuous sin) come from? Only people like Calvin and Zhang Lisheng can imagine using infinite eternal fire to punish limited "sins". Zhang Lisheng also said: "We are disobeying an infinite God, and the consequences are infinite evil, and therefore we are subject to infinite punishment" (4). This kind of God is quite similar to the infinite power of the Empress Dowager Cixi
As she famously said: "Whoever wants to make me unhappy for a while, I will make him unhappy for a lifetime!". The measure of punishment depends on the seriousness of the offender's behavior. The lighter ones will be punished lightly, and the serious ones will be punished severely. Is there any reason why those who commit unlimited crimes should be punished infinitely? If so, then God is no different from an autocratic ruler. The usual Christian defense is that hell is a compensation for sin, saying that the wages of sin is death. We cannot imagine any sin so serious that it requires eternal punishment, not to mention that human sin originates from God. Even before God created the world, he foresaw that humans would sin. God had the consciousness to create some sinners to be punished. I once talked with a Christian, and I asked him: "If you had a choice, would you rather God exist or not exist?" He replied that I would rather God exist because there is hope of eternal life. I asked him again: "Your family Are you a believer?" He told me that his family was not a believer, and even prevented him from believing. I asked him again: "You would rather God exist, then you have to accept that countless people will be tortured and tortured in hell, including your family?" He actually said that these people brought it upon themselves! Christian doctrine has led to the annihilation of human conscience to an alarming degree. It seems that Christians who advocate the doctrine of hell deserve the punishment of eternal fire the most! Attachment: Christian threatening books: fuyin.lingliang/200204/020423ttdy Christianity has been poisoning mankind for a long time, and the world should wake up! 2007-02-06 21:43:07 Supplement: The pig farmer knew that the born piglet would be killed by him, but he still raised it. The tyrant Jehovah is as cruel to people as the owner is to livestock, just to satisfy it. perverted desires.
God has the ability to know what will happen in the future!!! But God has given people free will
People have the freedom to choose. The road to death is chosen by oneself! God does not interfere with the decisions made by people! God does not predestinate you from the beginning to be a good person or a bad person
Nor does He predestined from the beginning how your life will go! It seems that you have the strength but not the ability to take it. Every thing must be held with force! The ancestors of mankind committed a crime, so they had to die! But God acted in love
and gave future generations hope of eternal life! Why did the ancestors of mankind commit sins? Why do people have hope of eternal life? Welcome to find me Let’s talk!
This is originally all the contradictions in Christianity. What you need to know is that
Jesus is just a god selected by some ancient Hebrew priests
The original intention was just to frighten his own people and cater to the needs of the society at that time. Because at that time, Israel often fought with the surrounding tribes
So they said that Yahweh was a military god
He is "the Lord of hosts". Therefore, in the writings of these novelist priests, God becomes a cruel and murderous person who favors Israel. God
Because this is the image of the "Israeli Army God". But later
The "minor national god" like Yahweh was influenced by circumstances
Suddenly became the savior of all Europe. At this time, as the god of the whole world
, he had to change his image
in order to meet the taste of the public. So
< p> Those modern theologiansPreachers once again acted as screenwriters
Put away all the bad images of cruelty and inhumanity
Killing innocent people indiscriminately
p>The four characters of justice, benevolence and love were imposed on Jesus
And in order to facilitate the rule of the people and strengthen the sacred status of Jesus
he also created the "original sin theory" " and the theological theory of "Trinity". However,
because the Old Testament has been handed down for thousands of years,
it is impossible to tamper with a large number of scenes of the cruelty and cruelty of God in the Bible. Therefore, Du chose The New Testament
There are many words of love in the Bible
Jesus has also become gentle and gentle
to conform to the image of God loving the world. So now Jesus The religion is full of cruel and benevolent images
It is impossible to justify oneself
And those Jiji who are dedicated to defending the religion speak nonsense on this page
In an attempt to The cruelty of Jesus "protects his shortcomings"
But the scriptures record the deeds of Jesus in black and white
It is impossible not to recognize it. So you quoted that Christian's "Love is God" Grant
Sin is caused by oneself
The excuse of "it has nothing to do with God"
It is basically the same as the Old Testament Bible "Everything in the world is done by God" Creation is "obviously contrary". If everything in the world is really created by God
Then both kindness and cruelty are the work of God
How can there be "love is a gift from God"
Sin is caused by human beings"! In fact, Buddhist scriptures also have the same statement
In "The Story of Pandalong Jataka"
Bodhisattva This questions the so-called divine justice of the Creator: Anyone with eyes can see disease
Why didn’t Brahma shape the people he created well? If his power is boundless
Why did he And rarely extends his hand of blessing? Why do all the people he created suffer misery? Why does he not give them happiness? Why is deception
Lies and ignorance so prevalent? Why is hypocrisy so arrogant? Truth And justice is so declining? Blame you Brahma (Brahma refers to the Hindu god of creation) injustice
Created a world that accommodates errors. In the Mahabodhi Jataka
Bodhisattva refutes everything The theory that all are created by the Almighty
and pointed out: "If there is an omnipotent Lord
who can control the pain, joy, good and evil of all living beings
This God is full of sin. Human beings can only act according to his will." It can be seen that Christianity has many contradictions and irrationalities
But there are still a lot of people who believe in it!!
Reference: humanum.arts.cu.edu/~shp/religion/99-03buddha.txt