Who said this sentence: "An official should be a golden servant and his wife should be a sage"?
Zhi Jinwu: An official who led the imperial army to defend the capital and Miyagi during the Qin and Han Dynasties. Yin Lihua: the wife of Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty (later named empress). This sentence is a famous saying of Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, about the ideal of life. When Liu Xiu was young, he was just a declining royal family and a humble cloth. Liu Xiuyou once went to Chang 'an to study and saw Jin Wu passing by in the street. The scene was spectacular and extravagant, and he sighed greatly, so he wrote an essay about his ideal: "When an official is Wu, his wife is Yin Lihua." This sentence is widely circulated, and it will become an eternal famous saying in the future, which has triggered many * * * voices of "going in troubled times". The love story between Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua is also celebrated through the ages.