1. Mencius said: "A gentleman studies the Tao in order to gain it. When he is self-sufficient, he will live in peace, and when he lives in peace, he will have deep resources. If he has deep knowledge, he will get it from both sides." , so a gentleman wants to get what he wants." - "Mencius Li Louxia"
2. Zhang Zai, a materialist thinker in the Song Dynasty, said: "You must seek for yourself, and if you can find the truth, you will have it yourself. Purpose and interest. If you are content with it, you will live in peace." - "Confucian Classics Liku·Yili"
3. Yan Yuan of the Qing Dynasty said in his article "A General Comment on Confucian Lectures": "The power of lectures is limited. , the merit of practice is endless." He also said: "If you use learning as teaching, put effort into teaching readers one or two, and add merit to practice in eight or nine, then the people will be very lucky, and our way will be very lucky!"
4. Wang Shouren of the Ming Dynasty: "The nature of most children is to enjoy playing and play but to be afraid of being detained, just like the beginning of vegetation. If it is relaxed, it will become well-organized, and if it is disturbed, it will wither. Today's teaching of children will make them tend to encourage, and the center If you are happy, you can't help it; for example, when it rains and the spring breeze touches the plants and trees, they will all sprout and grow, and naturally the sun will grow and the moon will melt. If the frost peels off, the business will be depressed and the sun will wither."
< p>5. Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius·Yong Ye": "Those who know well are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy!"6. Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius·Shuer": "Three people walking together must If I have a teacher, I will choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."
7. Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius·Zihan": "The future generations are to be feared, how can we know that those who are here will not be here now?" "
8. Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius: Wei Linggong": "Be benevolent and never give in to the teacher."
9. Confucius said: "I can't do it if you are sage, but I will never tire of learning. And never tire of teaching.”
10. Romain Rolland said: “Without great character, there would be no great people, not even great art and great actors.”
11. Ye Lan said: "A teacher who writes a lifetime of lesson plans may not necessarily become a famous teacher. If a teacher writes three years of reflection, he may become a famous teacher."
12. Suhomlinsky He once said: "Teachers' free time is the root, which nourishes the branches and leaves of the art of education."
13. Ou Wanhong, secretary of the Party Committee of Dongsheng Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, has a classic saying: "Good education leads to success." Talent; poor education, problems."
14. Schools require teachers to become an artist in their own work. - Einstein