, the word heir fang, people also. Young and clever, he could recite Sir Lu Xiang and Guo Jiayi at the age of six. The evil Wang Siyuan and Zhang Rong of Wu praised him and called him a prodigy. Zu Bo-ru's name is heavy and he has no heirs. Emperor Wu of Qi was only eight years old when he was made queen. At the beginning of the Japanese prison, he was promoted to a scholar, Linzhou Huajun Wang Xing joined the army, and he was a lawyer of the Russian Department.
Showing knowledge involves many things. Ren Fang tasted an article, which was short and scattered, showing that all people were ignorant, and it was obvious that ancient prose ministers deleted clouds. Check the weekly diary, as it says. Because of the great difference, the cloud appreciates the difference. Mother Ding was in a hurry, holding the imperial edict, and the official book ordered Shen to lead the prince to be Xiaofu when he went to the appointment, and to be Xiaofu's five senses. About Danyang Yin, he made a fortune and showed ten things and nine things in the history. Yue said, "I am so forgetful that no one cares; Although it is impossible to talk about a few things. " Ask the fifth question, about the second. Lu Wen attacked Xi and said, "Liu can be said to be a poor man. Although my family is targeting Zhang Zhuangwu and RoyceWong is paying homage to Bo, there will be no such couple. " Recommended to celebrities. Fu, the minister of the five armies, wrote a national history, showing himself like Yan and being passed on as an assistant. All five of Shangshu were selected, indicating that Facao was also an official. Later, it was Shang Caolang. Tasted as "court poem", when Shen went to the appointment, it was beautiful. At that time, the suburban residence was just formed because the scribe was ordered to write on the wall.
He was forbidden to join the posts of Pei and others in Hedong and handed them over to his teachers and friends. People admire him. He is too learned to remember. Bosheng teacher, the emperor asked: "What color is the teacher?" The sage said, "Huang Shizi is not as good as Bai Shizi." Wei ren sent ancient artifacts, but some of them have hidden characters, while others don't know them. It is very valuable for Emperor Wu to read the text without delay and take the exam year verbatim.
Touched Shang Cheng, except the doctor. Sometimes a shaman tells Tian, and the emperor says "true". There is a teacher who has not argued, and it is unknown to ask. The sage said, "Zhen is the master." Because the emperor was jealous of his ability, he gave it. Wei Ling heard about it and hated strangers. Sighed: "Liang De is dying. Good people, national discipline, come out, nothing is impossible. " Wang moved to Yunzhou Town, but he was unsuccessful in Pingxi County for a long time. Datong finally came to Xiakou in nine years, at the age of 63. (Excerpted from the Fortieth Biography of Southern History)
1. About the explanation of bold words in the following sentences, it is incorrect ().
A. At the beginning of Tianjian, the scholar was promoted ... Russian Legal Department-Agent: Agent
B. Check the weekly diary, and if it is true-check: check.
C. About Danyang Yin, how to make life drive-make: make.
D. although, try to talk about a few things, less than ten-talk: let's just say.
2. Among the following sentences, the one that best illustrates Liu Xian's "erudition" is ().
(1) post evil king, honor and reward, yue talented woman.
(2) Obviously, the cloud was deleted by the ancient prose ministers.
(3) In Zuo Ce, ten events in history and nine events were displayed.
(4) Taste "There is a Court in Poetry", which is beautiful in Shen Yue.
(5) spread to teachers and friends, everyone admires it.
6 Xianyue: "Huang Shizi is not as good as Bai Shizi."
3. The following summary and analysis of the relevant contents of the original text is incorrect ()
A. At the age of six, Liu Xian was called a child prodigy, who was able to recite "Unique Qin in Luxiang" and "On Guo Qin" by Jia Yi. At the age of eight, he adopted Liu Kun, a famous but childless family. In his early years, Tian Jian was recommended as a scholar and embarked on his official career.
Ren Fang once got a mutilated simplified Chinese book, and no one could recognize it. Later, I found the original text in Zhou Shu, and it was really consistent with what was said in the short book, which was very magical.
C when Shen Yue served as Danyang yin, he and Liu Xian promised each other. Shen Yue conceited that although he was in a daze, he could have a try. As a result, Liu Xian was better than him. Liu Qi patted the mat happily and praised Liu Xian for being unusual.
D when Liu Xian was a doctor in Guo Zi, there was a case in which a monk sued Tian. The emperor wrote a word "true", and the official in charge didn't understand its meaning, but Liu Xian knew that the emperor had awarded the land to the monk.
4. Translate underlined sentences into modern Chinese.
(1) shows that it is very valuable for Emperor Wu to read the text without delay and take the exam year verbatim.
(2) Nothing is impossible without good people and national discipline.
4.( 1) Liu Xian looked at the text, and it didn't stop when he blasphemed. He checked the date, not bad. Emperor Wu praised him very much.
(2) A moral man is a model of the country, but he was transferred out. I'm afraid not.
Liu Xian's name is Fang Si, and she is Guo Pei's lover. Liu Xian was very clever when he was a child. At the age of six, I can read Lv Xiang's Jue Qin and Jia Yi's Guo Qin Lun. Xiao Siyuan, the evil king of Langang, and Zhang Rong of Wu praised him when they saw him. Liu Xian is called a "child prodigy". Zubo Liu is famous in Confucianism, but there is no son to inherit it. Emperor Wu of Qi wrote an edict to his descendant Liu Xian. Liu Xian was eight years old that year. When he first entered Tian Jian Prison, he was admitted as a scholar, and was appointed as Wang Xing of Linchuan, a Han army, and soon turned to Facao.
Liu Xian has a wide range of knowledge and is familiar with many fields. At that time, Ren Fang got an incomplete simplified book, but it was incomplete and the words fell off. He showed this article to many people many times, but he didn't recognize anything. When Liu Xian saw it, he said that this was the "Yi" deleted from the Ancient History of China. Ren Fang checked Zhou Shu, and it was as Liu Xian said. Therefore, Ren Fang greatly appreciates Liu Xian.
After Liu Xian's mother died, the mourning period ended. At that time, Shen Yue was appointed as the Prince of Shaofu, and Liu Xian was introduced as the five senses of Shaofu. Shen Yue became Danyang Yin and ordered Liu Xian to drive there. Liu Xian was asked 10 questions about the history of his seat, and Liu Xian answered 9 questions. Shen Yue said: "I am old and forgetful, so I can't take the test;" Even so, we can't come up with ten if we ask a few. "Liu Xian asked for five, Shen Yue only asked for two. Hearing this, Lu Shu happily tidied up the mat and said, "It can be called a strange man. Even when our family went to Zhangzhuangwu in the plain and Wang Can met Cai Yong, there must be no such answer. "Liu Xian praises and appreciates celebrities, just like this. Fu Zhao, Minister of the Five Armies, was a writer and a history of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Liu Xian used to be a part-time Tingweizheng, who was called by Fu Zhaozhao to help establish national history. When Shangshu selected Wudu, Liu Xian took Facao as a part-time job and later became Shangshu Yicaolang. Shen Yue once wrote court poems, which he appreciated very much. At that time, Shen Yue's house in the suburbs had just been built, so he asked people who were good at calligraphy to write this poem on the wall of their house in the suburbs.
Liu Xian and Hedong Peiziye have been serving in the palace, and they are close to each other as teachers and friends. No one does not envy them. Liu Xian is more knowledgeable than Pei Yezi. One day, the Persian kingdom paid tribute to the lion. The emperor asked the minister, "What color is the lion?" Liu Xian said: "The yellow lion is not as good as the white lion." Wei people presented ancient objects with raised characters, which no one could read. Liu Xian looked at these words and read them without pause. Textual research year, word for word. Emperor Wu praised him very much.
Liu Xian was promoted to Zuo Cheng and became a doctor in Guo Zi. At that time, a monk sued the field, and the emperor wrote the word "true". Officials don't understand the meaning, and no one knows when they ask all the officials. Liu Xian said: "When the word' true' is taken apart, it means that people are here, which means that you are allowed to give up your land to your family." The emperor expelled him because he was jealous of his ability. Li Xie, the envoy of Wei, was sent to Liang. When he heard about it, he felt sorry for not knowing Liu Xian. Sighed: "Liang Zhide has failed! A moral person, a model of the country, has been transferred out. I'm afraid not. " Liu Xian joined the army at the suggestion of the satrap of the day. He spent a long time in the satrap of the day and was unable to display his ambition. Datong died in Xiakou in nine years at the age of sixty-three.